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New Jersey Chef Wants To Be The 'Jiro Dreams Of Sushi' Of Bread And Butter


Razza Pizza Artiginale bread and butter

"I aspire to be a sushi master of the bread and butter world. The 'Jiro Dreams of Sushi' of bread and butter."

That’s what Dan Richer —the James Beard Rising Star chef semi-finalist and owner of Razza Pizza Artiginale in Jersey City, NJ — recently told Liza de Guia at FoodCurated.com in an interview.

The New Jersey-native makes the comparison between his restaurant's bread and butter dish and the cuisine served by the best-known sushi chef in Japan to emphasize his commitment to using the best ingredients and serving at the right temperature.

Bread and butter costs $4 at Razza, which also serves pizzas and salads. While most restaurants toss bread on the table for free, Richer says his version is worth the extra bucks.

The New Jersey-native set out to master bread and butter, and believes that he has. His bread, served warm with a caramelized crust and delicate inside, perfectly pairs with a rich, lightly salted butter served at room temperature. The chef even claims it's possible to taste the “terroir,” or origin, of the butter.Razza Pizza Artiginale bread and butter“You can taste what the cows are eating in our butter, it’s ridiculous,” Richer says in the Vimeo video. The restaurant gets fresh, organic cream from a family-run farm in Chester County, Pa. that raises grass-fed cows. The cream is then gently fermented, giving it a “cheese-like tang” and a bright yellow color.Razza Pizza Artiginale bread and butterThe bread is almost like sourdough, but not with the “acidic, acid, vinegar thing going on,” Richer says. The bread is sized and shaped ideally for baking in a wood-fired oven, and the crust is perfectly caramelized and slightly sour.

Watch the beautiful video below, and check out more with the chef at FoodCurated.com.

The 'Jiro Dreams of Sushi' of Bread & Butter: Razza Pizza Artiginale from SkeeterNYC on Vimeo.

SEE ALSO: The Best Pizza In 10 Big Cities Around The U.S.

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The 12 Best Toys Of Tech's Wealthiest Executives


mark cuban jet

When you're worth several billion dollars, you're bound to want to spend that wealth on some extravagant toys. 

Wealthy tech executives are no exception to the rule.

From sports franchises to private planes, we've rounded up some of the most interesting toys tech billionaires have splurged on recently. 

Google chairman Eric Schmidt has a $72-million yacht called the "Oasis," which he charters out for $400,000 a week. The yacht has plenty of amenities, including a pool, jet skis, and a gym that can be converted into a disco.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is known for her taste in high-end designer goods. In 2006, she had some 400 pieces of glass art by Dale Chihuly installed in the ceiling of her penthouse apartment at San Francisco's Four Seasons hotel. Chihuly's work typically sells for an average of $15,000 each, and the delivery reportedly caused significant traffic problems in the city.

Source: Gawker, Business Insider

Though he has a net worth of at least $200 million, Tumblr founder David Karp isn't a showy person. He does have a Vespa that he likes to ride to work each morning.

Source: New York Magazine


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We Tried The 4 New Lay's Potato Chip Flavors — Here's The Verdict


lays chips

Lay's just announced the four finalists for its "Do Us A Flavor" contest. 

The annual contests calls for submissions for a new Lay's flavor. One of the flavors will go national, and the winner receives $1 million. 

This year, the four finalists are Cappuccino, Mango Salsa, Bacon Cheddar Mac & Cheese, and Wasabi Ginger. 

We just tried the four flavors, which will be available in stores July 19. 

Our reviews below, ranked from worst to best. 

#4 MANGO SALSAmango salsa

Many who tried the mango salsa flavor expected something spicy, with a slight sweetness. People seemed more excited to try this chip than any of the others in the kitchen. 

The verdict? Unanimously awful.

"The mango salsa flavor are the worst things I've ever tasted in my entire life. I can't untaste those chips. I feel like a part of me has died," one of our reviewers said. 

Another tester said "the mango made me gag."

The sickly sweet flavor drew comparisons to fruity gum flavors. The savory salsa element was completely lacking and overpowered by the artificial fruit taste. 

"Someone should have emphasized the salsa part more," one person who tested the chips said. 

The wavy texture did nothing to distract from the taste. 

Take our word for it and skip these chips. You'll be happy you did.

#3 CAPPUCCINOlays cappuccino chips

This chip got the most publicity leading up to the release. There's nothing else quite like it on the market. 

The coffee flavor is overpowering when you bite into this chip. The taste, which was both bitter and sweet, drew comparisons to cereal. One taste tester called them "sticky sweet." 

The initial bitter taste of coffee made many of us cringe. 

Some reviewers said the chips felt more like a breakfast item than a salty snack.

"Thoroughly pointless as a snack; give me cookies or give me chips," one reviewer said. 

The aftertaste is similar to the one you get after drinking coffee. 

We'd skip the cappuccino flavor, though it isn't as bad as the mango.

#2 CHEDDAR BACON MAC & CHEESEcheddar bacon mac cheese lays

This chip received unanimously positive reviews. 

"I would probably eat a whole bag if it was placed in front of me," one person who tasted the chips said. 

Many people who tried these chips were surprised they don't actually contain real bacon.

The flavor is consistent and delicious. Neither the bacon nor cheese flavors are overpowering. 

In a word, these chips are addictive. 

Of the four options, Bacon Cheddar Mac & Cheese is definitely the crowd-pleaser. 

But the widespread appeal also made reviewers remark that it was "nothing spectacular" and "not trying very hard." 

"Who wouldn't want a chip that tasted like bacon mac and cheese?" one tester asked. 

Overall, these chips are good — just not original enough to be spectacular. 

#1 WASABI GINGERwasabi ginger lays

Everyone loved the Wasabi Ginger flavor. 

The chips are kettle-cooked, giving them a light and airy texture that melds with the Asian flavors. 

"By FAR the best!" one reviewer wrote. "Kept coming back for more." 

Another person who tasted the flavor said it "has an awesome kick to it moments after you bite into it."

"It's the chip with the biggest taste punch out of the four," the tester said. 

The spicy wasabi flavor was addictive, but the sweet ginger balances it out and keeps any spicy aftertaste away. 

These chips have a little bit of everything. They're savory, sweet, spicy, and salty. 

The flavor is also much more original than our other newsroom favorite, the cheddar bacon chip. 

The Wasabi Ginger flavor wins for originality and taste. We'd definitely recommend buying these chips. 

SEE ALSO: We Tried Taco Bell's Quesarito — Here's The Verdict

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Major Hedge Fund Manager Goes After NYT Food Guy And His Use Of A Basic Economic Concept


cliff asness

Mark Bittman is out with an indictment of industrial food in his latest opinion piece for The New York Times

He has taken particular issue with the cheeseburger. 

Bittman appropriates some economics 101 jargon to explain his real concerns. From The NYTimes:

"What you pay for a cheeseburger is the price, but price isn’t cost. It isn’t the cost to the producers or the marketers and it certainly isn’t the sum of the costs to the world; those true costs are much greater than the price.

"…Whatever the product, some costs are borne by producers, but others, called external costs — “externalities,” as economists call them — are not; nor are they represented in the price. Take litter: If your cheeseburger comes wrapped in a piece of paper, and you throw that piece of paper on the sidewalk, it eventually may be picked up by a worker and put in the trash; the cost of that act is an externality. Only by including externalities can you arrive at a true cost."

The burger truther makes some valid points, but AQR Capital Management's Cliff Asness wasn't having any of it.

asness tweetUpdate: Turns out Asness is a staunch defender of cheeseburgers everywhere after all. "The tweets were self contained and meant to be humorous. The only elaboration I would add is that I really really like burgers," he told Business Insider in an email.


SEE ALSO: CLIFF ASNESS: I Am Still A Net Cynic When It Comes To Stock Picking

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9 Easy Ways To Save Money On Gas This Summer


Chevron Gas Station Los Angeles

High gas prices are a nearly universal gripe. And pain at the pump is even worse this time of year due to the decreased efficiency and increased cost of "summer blend" gasoline that environmental regulations mandate from April to September. 

With the summer travel season in full swing, the national average for a gallon of regular has climbed past $3.60 and a gallon of premium is hovering close to the $4.00 mark, according to the AAA. But there are some gas-saving strategies that could bring much-needed relief at the pump (via the Environmental Protection Agency).

9. Drive slower. The amount of energy it takes to propel a car grows exponentially as speed increases linearly. For example,  a 1000 horsepower Bugatti Veyron needs only about 250 hp to reach 150 miles per hour, but an additional 750 hp to get from 150 to 250 mph.

In practical terms, fuel economy decreases significantly anytime a car is traveling faster that 50 mph, to the tune of 7% for every five miles per hour. This equates to savings of roughly $0.26 for every five miles per hours you slow down over 50mph. 

8. Use the recommended grade of motor oil. Drivers can improve fuel economy by 1-2% just by switching to the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil. According to the EPA, using 10W-30 in an engine that call for 5W-30 can increase fuel costs by $0.04 to $0.07/gallon. Using the correct type of motor oil can also preserve the performance and extend the shelf life of your engine. 

7. Don't strap cargo to the roof. Aerodynamic drag can put a huge dent in a car's fuel economy. Strapping luggage or a cargo box to the roof is the aerodynamic equivalent of mounting a small wall on top of your car. At interstate speeds (65-75 mph), the EPA estimates that removing the cargo box from your roof can increase fuel economy by as much as 25%, or a savings of roughly $0.93 per gallon for a $3.70 gallon of gas. Scion XB roof rack6. Clean out the junk in your car. Having more junk you have in your car means more energy is required to lug it around. In fact, the EPA claims that every 100 pounds of weight shed equates to a 1% to 2% increase in fuel economy. At $3.70 a gallon, that's roughly $0.04  to $0.07 per gallon. This doesn't seem like much, but if you fill up 20 gallons week, that adds up to $73 a year.

5. Turn your engine off when parked. Letting the engine idle as you sit in a parking lot may be convenient, but it also wastes gas. In fact, a car can use anywhere from half a gallon to a gallon of gas for every hour it idles, depending on whether the air conditioner is on.

4. Keep up with your car's maintenance. Keeping your engine tuned and emissions systems in shape can increase fuel economy by an average of 4%. According to the EPA, fixing a major problem like an oxygen sensor (a common problem in older cars) can increase fuel economy by as much as 40%.

3. Keep your tires properly inflated. Properly inflated tires are not only important for safety reasons; they will also save you money. Filling your tires to the proper level of inflation can improve fuel economy by 3.3%, according to the EPA. Manufacturers' suggested guidelines can often be found in the driver's side door jam, the glove compartment, or in the owner's manual.

2. Tone down the road rage. Aggressive driving is drag on fuel economy. According to the EPA, aggressive driving in the form of rapid acceleration and braking can reduce fuel economy by as much as 33% on the highway and 5% around town. At roughly $3.70 a gallon, this is the equivalent of saving $0.19 to $1.22 a gallon. When possible, use cruise control to maintain a steady speed, and overdrive gears to increase engine efficiency.LA traffic1. Use air conditioning on the highway, but roll your windows down around town. Air conditioning is the single greatest contributor to decreased fuel economy during the summer. Since the air conditioning system runs off the engine, it saps power and fuel economy when its turned on.

However, driving with the windows down at high speeds creates considerable aerodynamic drag that nullifies any economy savings from having the A/C off. For an optimum balance of comfort and efficiency, the EPA suggests drivers keep their windows down and A/Cs off while driving around town and vice-versa on the highway.

It should also be noted A/C affects power and fuel economy differently based on the size of the engine, with smaller engines suffering to a greater extent. 

SEE ALSO: 14 Smart Car Hacks Every Driver Should Know

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4 Tips For Wearing Jewelry To Work


jewelry woman model dannijo

Dressing for work can be tricky. 

When done right, jewelry can be a great way to improve your look in the office. 

"We need to put the days of women dressing like men in black suits and no accessories behind us," Galgano said," Ali Galgano, founder of jewelry company Charm and Chain, told Business Insider. 

Here are a few tips for proper accessorizing at work. 

1. Remove one accessory before leaving the house. 

If you're afraid of going overboard, Galgano recommends removing one accessory before walking out the door for work. In conservative offices, wearing either a necklace or earrings is better than wearing both. 

Want to test the waters? This set of 5 bangles by designer Kendra Scott ($140) are subtle, yet striking. You can choose how many you wear. 

This Robert Lee Morris two-tone cuff at Macy's ($55) is another good option. mollie bangle gold bracelets2. Go for one bold piece.gold bib necklace dannijo

It's easy to style up your favorite dress without going overboard, Danielle and Jodi Snyder, the sisters who founded jewelry company Dannijo, told Business Insider. "Use bohemian-style jewelry, like a bib or statement cuff," Danielle told us. This will help take your outfit to the next level. 

This gold bib necklace by Dannijo ($375) is an investment piece that will match many of your outfits for years to come. 

If you're on a budget, try this cast-stone cuff bracelet at Ann Taylor Loft ($30). 

3. If you only choose one accessory, make it earrings. dannijo earrings

"Use oversized studs or statement earrings to keep it classy and polished," says Jodi of Dannijo. "Earrings are a great accessory because they can take you day into night while still keeping your look effortless."

Look for subtle, timeless pieces with a pop of color.

These Evelyn studs by Dannijo ($170) are the perfect balance between polished and striking. 

Galgano recommends these green machalite earrings by the designer isharya ($178). green malachite earrings

Another good option for testing the waters are these hitchkey studs, available at Madewell ($18). 

4. Use rings to improve your mood.dannijo mir ring

You're staring at your keyboard all day — so buy rings that will brighten your spirits, Danielle from Dannijo said.

Try one statement ring, such as Dannijo's turquoise and gemstone Mir ring ($196). 

If you want a slightly more subtle piece, try this gold-plated black glass ring by Kendra Scott ($45). 

You can also try piling on a few dainty rings, such as this set of 7 gold-plated rings on Etsy ($69). 

SEE ALSO: 10 Common College Purchases That Are A Waste Of Money

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The World's Best Airlines


Cathay Pacific Long haul economyHong Kong carrier Cathay Pacific was named the world's best airline at the World Airline Awards this week, which were announced at the Farnborough Airshow in the UK.

The airline took the top spot from Emirates, which ranked fourth on this year's list from leading airline reviewer Skytrax. The ranking is based on a survey filled out by nearly 19 million customers, and covers both full-service and budget airlines across 41 metrics related to product and service.

We compared Skytrax's ranking with the results of Business Insider's recent airline review, which also took punctuality into account.

20. Bangkok Airways

Business Insider Ranking: n/a

The regional airline operates scheduled services to destinations in Thailand, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Laos, Maldives, Burma, India and Singapore.

Bangkok Airways also topped Skytrax's list of the world's best regional airlines.

Source: Skytrax World Airline Awards

19. Hainan Airlines

Business Insider Ranking: n/a

China's Hainan Airlines recently announced plans to purchase around $5 billion worth of new planes from Boeing.

The airline also ranked 10th for best cabin crew on Skytrax's annual list.

Source: Skytrax World Airline Awards

18. Malaysia Airlines

Business Insider Ranking: 5

Though Malaysia Airlines' image has taken a pounding after the tragic disappearance of flight 370, the carrier's decades' worth of sterling service should not be discounted. Because of the incident, and mounting financial losses, the world's most talked-about airline is now in the midst of a management shakeup and fleet-renewal process. 

In spite of the upheaval, the carrier maintains its seat as one of the best airlines in the world.

Source: Skytrax World Airline Awards

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24 Little Things You Can Do To Add Excitement To Your Workweek


aerial yoga

I've finally figured out how to organize my workweeks for maximum health, happiness, and productivity.

I usually wake up at 6:30 and go jogging. I eat basically the same things for breakfast and lunch, keep regular office hours, and typically go home to make dinner with my husband, before retiring at a reasonable hour.

These routines are important to my success, but no matter how much I enjoy my job and family, sometimes keeping things too routine can make it feel like work. The psychological term for this is habituation; becoming familiar with experiences can lead you to appreciate them less, wrecking your gratitude and engagement.

That's why I recently decided to inject some novelty. I have this theory that the secret to long-term happiness is finding things to get excited about every day. They don't have to be big things. In fact, the simple, stolen pleasures can sometimes make my day. So here's a list of little things you can do to add a dash of excitement to your workweeks.

1. Take a different route to work.

2. Invite someone you don't know well to coffee.

3. Go to the movies on a weeknight.

4. Start from the bottom of your to-do list. It's unlikely anyone else will notice.

5. Wear an unexpected color lipstick, eye shadow, or nail polish. If you're a guy, try a bright-colored bow tie, sock, or pocket square. 

6. Give someone you're intimidated by a compliment. 

7. Eavesdrop on someone's conversation. You'll feel like a spy.

8. Forget online shopping. Spice things up with one of these subscription boxes, bringing novelty to your doorstep.

9. Or, literally add some spice to your snacks. I'm a big fan of wasabi peas. 

10. Plan a vacation, even if you can't afford it yet.

11. Get a hotel room in the city you live in just for a night.

12. Enter a sweepstakes for something cool. Just don't check that box that lets them email you. 

13. Replace your water with coconut water for a day. 

14. Introduce yourself to a stranger, and ask what they do.

15. On a slow day, catch up with friends or former coworkers over lunch, take a long walk, or watch some of the baseball game at a local pub.

16. Make a new recipe for dinner every night for a week.

17. Take a cold shower. 

18. Rearrange your furniture. 

19. Give a fake name to your Starbucks barista — the more exotic the better.

20. Take a new exercise class. For maximum excitement, I recommend aerial yoga.

21. Join a book club. 

22. Wear red. It's dangerous.

23. Take all of Spotify's suggestions for new music to listen to.

24. Don't do anything work-related during your lunch break. Read fiction instead.

SEE ALSO: 25 Things You Should Do Before You Die

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HOUSE OF THE DAY: Hedge Funder David Ganek Is Selling His Insane Duplex At 740 Park For $44 Million



Hedge fund manager David Ganek is selling his elegant duplex at 740 Park Avenue for $44 million, according to Curbed. The building was designed by renowned architect Rosario Candela.

In addition to its stunning amenities, the apartment also has an interesting history: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis lived in the home as a child, and her grandfather developed the building back in 1929.

The newly renovated duplex features a marble gallery, a library, a media room, and more. The residence is for sale through Sotheby's International Realty.

Ganek has a large modern art collection, pieces of which are featured throughout his home.

This living room area is bright and spacious.

This St. Charles-designed kitchen features staff quarters and a breakfast room.

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Here's The Right Way To Organize Your Refrigerator


Refrigerators are complex and beautiful machines. They're also much more nuanced than you might expect.

For instance, did you know that the doors are the warmest, the bottom shelf the coldest, and the drawers the most humid? That's why products like mayonnaise and orange juice, which have natural preservatives, can stay fresh on the doors, while more fragile products like eggs, milk, and raw meat are best stored on the bottom shelf. What about the fact that many fruits emit a gas that accelerates rotting in vegetables, so they should always be stored separately? Or that you should never put bread or wine on top of your fridge because the warmth will ruin it?

We made this simple graphic to help you maximize your food's freshness.Refrigerator Organization

SEE ALSO: 17 Awesome Ways To Hack Fast Food Menus

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The 10 Best Washing Machines For Your Home


Laundry is rarely a task to look forward to, whether you're doing a solo load or cleaning clothes for a family of five. A great washing machine can make things a lot easier and eliminate possible frustrations, like having to wait your turn for a machine at a local laundromat. 

The experts over at FindTheBest helped us to compile a list of the 10 best washing machines on the market right now. 

They evaluated washing machines for reliability, efficiency, performance and features, and cost of ownership, and they looked at expert sources like JD Power. 

10. Samsung WA45H7200AW ($800)

Samsung WF42H5000AW

The sleek, top loading Samsung WA45H7200AQ is a high-end washing machine that's both durable and adequately gentle on your clothing. Priced cheaply on our list at $800, it's a reasonable machine, but you won't feel like you're cutting any corners; this Samsung even features Smart Care technology, so that you can check up on it with a phone app.  

9. Samsung WF42H5000AW ($800)

Front load washing machines are typically more efficient, but also more expensive than top load ones. The Samsung WF42H5000AW, however, is a well-priced front load washer considering its place on our list of the best. The machine's perks include vibration reduction technology to keep the washing quiet, and eight different cycles to customize for specific clothing.  

8. Maytag MHWE301YW ($999)

The Maytag MHWE301YW's stainless steel drum allows for maximum washing without rusting or damage throughout the years. FindTheBest estimates a yearly cost of $59.36 in energy and water bills, which is right around average.

7. LG WM8500HVA ($1,600)

LG Washing Machine

At 5.2 cubic feet, this LG washer is one of the biggest on the market. The WM8500HVA has multiple top-notch features, including a smartphone app connection, time delay to set your start time just right, and a steam option to enhance the wash and disinfect clothing. 

6. Samsung WA48H7400AW ($900)

The samsung brand earns five stars across the board from JD Power for features, overall satisfaction, ease of use, and performance and reliability, and the WA48H7400AW is no exception. The top loading machine is equipped with standard wash cycles like delicate, hand wash, permanent press, and quick wash, and you can also adjust water temperature to fit different needs. 

5. LG WM3570HVA ($1,210)

For those looking to be a bit more environmentally friendly, the LG WM3570HVA turbo washer is an Energy Star Award recipient. The electronic display control panel is a nice feature that allows for very easy operating of the machine and its various modes. 

4. Samsung WA56H9000AP ($1,500)

Another washing machine built to handle a lot of laundry, the Samsung WA56H9000AP is 5.6 cubic feet, among the largest on our list. Like most top-of-the-line washers, this machine features a built-in water heater to more accurately reach perfect temperatures. 

3. Samsung WF42H5200AP ($1,000)

After purchasing this washer, your total annual average cost should be $50.30, which is significantly less than the average machine. The warranty for the WF42H5200AP is solid, with a parts warranty of one year, and a drum warranty of three years, which is often the most troublesome part. 

Samsung WF56H9100AG

2. Samsung WF45H6300AG ($1,200)

The Samsung WF45H6300AG has just about everything you'd need from your washer. Typical features include vibrate and noise reduction, time delay, and a stainless steel drum. It's Energy Star Efficient with a sanitation cycle, allergy cycle, and quick wash cycle among its different modes. 

1. Samsung WF56H9100AG ($1,700)

This Samsung WF56H9100AG model was the only one to score a Smart Ranking of 100 from our friends at FindTheBest. It's the most costly washer on our list, but includes almost every feature plus more, and is a big one at 5.6 cubic feet. 

SEE ALSO: The 10 Best Blenders You Can Buy

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Hotels Are Starting To Reward Their Guests For Posting About Their Stay On Social Media


hotel bed room service breakfast

Instead of simply earning rewards for booking a room, more hotels are offering rewards for guests who Instagram a picture of the hotel, or tweet about their stay.

Today, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants introduced its new rewards system, Kimpton Karma Rewards. The new loyalty program recognizes guests for their behaviors—including mentioning a Kimpton hotel or restaurant on social media, reports USA Today

Guests might not get points with Kimpton, but they will receive personalized perks like an in-room spa treatment or other amenities.

"Loyalty as a concept is not just about transactions," said Maggie Lang, senior director of guest marketing at Kimpton told USA Today. "Karma is rewarding engagement."

Kimpton is just one hotel and restaurant chain to acknowledge and reward its customers for what's basically free public relations and marketing.

In May, Marriott introduced a rewards program called PlusPoints, allowing members to earn points for "everyday social behaviors"—posting on Twitter, checking in on Facebook, or posting a picture on Instagram with a Marriott-specific hashtag.

It's a clear reach to millennials, who are increasingly getting to the age where they have both disposable income and social influence. People are likely to be influenced by what their friends post on social media. If you post a gorgeous picture of your hotel room's view of the sunset over the Chicago skyline, your friends will  take note, and now your hotel will, too.

Hotels benefit from the marketing, which costs substantially less than a PR firm. And it's easy enough for customers—in return for posting a picture and tagging it on Twitter or Instagram, they get pretty great rewards. Whether they recognize themselves as unofficial PR agents for the hotel they're staying at is another story. 

SEE ALSO: A Design Firm In Slovakia Is Turning Billboards Into Mini Houses [THE BRIEF]

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Manhattan's Skyline Will Look Dramatically Different By 2020


New York 2020 skyline YIMBY

Midtown Manhattan is already home to a huge number of skyscrapers, but the next generation of towers being built between 53rd Street and the south side of Central Park will be even taller.

One57 — the long-awaited, 90-story residential skyscraper that cost $1.4 billion to build — is almost finished, and Extell’s Nordstrom Tower will eventually rise a vertigo-inducing 1,775 feet (including the tower’s spire), making it the tallest residential building in the world.

There are also developments in the works at 111 West 57th St., 432 Park Ave., and 53 West 53rd St. that will dramatically change the skyline.

Armand Boudreaux at New York YIMBY, a website that covers architecture, construction, and real estate in New York City, recently created renderings that show how all these new buildings will change the look of Manhattan, and shared them with Business Insider (arrows and outlines are ours). Check them out below.

This is what the skyline will look like in 2020, facing south from the Central Park Zoo. Of these five buildings, the 90-story One57 (second from the right) is the most complete. It cost $1.4 billion to build, and developers are expected to gross about $2 billion in sales from the project. It's on target to be finished this year.

From left to right: 432 Park Ave., 111 West 57th St., 53 53rd St., One57, and Nordstrom Tower.New York 2020 skyline YIMBYFour of the five buildings are concentrated on the west side of Midtown Manhattan. Nordstrom Tower — the tall building on the far left — could take the title of America's tallest roof from Chicago’s Willis Tower. It's poised to become the tallest residential building in the entire world at 1,775 feet (1,479 feet tall without its spire) when it's completed in 2018.New York 2020 skyline YIMBY432 Park (the building on the far right) will be nearly 1,400 feet tall when it's completed in 2015; 53 West 53rd Street (second from the right) will rise 1,050 feet above street level; and 111 West 57th (the building in the center) will stand 1,350 feet tall by June 2017.New York 2020 skyline YIMBYHere's what the skyline will look like, looking north from southern Manhattan.

From left to right: Nordstrom Tower, One57, 111 West 57th Street, 53 West 53rd Street, and 432 Park Avenue.New York 2020 skyline YIMBY

SEE ALSO: This Is The $20 Billion Future Of Manhattan's West Side

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Hedge-Funder Flips His Historic Southampton Estate For $80 Million


wooldon manor

Hedge fund tycoon Scott Bommer has flipped his Southampton estate for more than $80 million just a year after buying it for $75 million, reports The Wall Street Journal's Candace Taylor.

Bommer, founder of SAB capital initially listed the expansive property on Lake Agawam for $98 million in March.

The historic estate, called Wooldon Manor, previously belonged to shoe tycoon Vince Camuto. It sold as two separate parcels: the 10,000-square-foot and 2 acres, which were bought by a "New York family" for $50 million, and a 12-acre plot, which went to a developer.

The estate — which has a gorgeous pool, pool house, formal gardens, a romantic green house, and tennis court — had been owned by both the Woolworth family and Edmund Lynch, a founding partner of Merrill Lynch.

Wooldon Manor sits on the iconic oceanfront drive, Gin Lane.

Source: Sotheby's International Realty

The property sits on 14 acres of land; it was sold as two separate parcels.

Source: Sotheby's International Realty

Inside, the vaulted ceilings have exposed beams and skylights.

Source: Sotheby's International Realty

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A Design Firm Wants To Turn Billboards Into Tiny Houses For The Homeless



The modern roadside billboard has been with us for nearly 150 years, and, let's be honest, it needs a bit of a facelift. Not much has changed since its inception  it's still just a big advertisement on legs, distracting you on your commute.

An architecture and design firm in Slovakia is setting out to change that. DesignDevelop recently unveiled a new project, called Project Gregory, which would convert the nation's traditional triangle-shaped billboards into living spaces, complete with bathrooms, kitchens, and beds.Design Develop interior shelter billboard
The tiny living spaces could be used to provide housing for the homeless population in the surrounding areas. Whether that makes sense in a practical application sense remains to be seen.Design Develop shelter billboards
The fee for the ad space would help offset the price of construction, and the firm says that by optimizing the electricity which is already hooked up in order to light the billboards at night, the homes could be powered at no additional cost.

SEE ALSO: These Bus Benches Transform Into Homeless Shelters In A Matter Of Seconds

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What It Actually Means When A Scotch Is 'Single Malt'



It's important to learn as much as you possibly can about the things you put into your body — especially the things you put in your body as much as scotch.

So in that spirit, when Marc Ecko invited Business Insider to a tasting of his favorite whiskeys to celebrate the launch of his new fashion line, Marc Ecko Cut and Sew, we were only too happy to accept.

Ecko served up a bunch of spirits, our favorites being an awesome Highland Park 18 Year — a single malt Scotch of the highest quality.

'Single malt' is not a term that you can just throw around. Our whiskey guide for the evening explained that a single malt scotch must be made with 51% barley (the rest can be any grain you like). It must come from a single distillery and go through one single distillation.

The spirit is then aged in old Bourbon or Spanish sherry casks — these casks give the spirit its color.

Knowledge is power.

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This Nashville Restaurant Owner Supports Bands And Charities By Selling Pizza


Music City Pizza in Nashville

This post is sponsored by Capital One Spark.

Local musicians and restaurants tend to share the same struggle — figuring out how to stay afloat in competitive, cutthroat industries.

So what happens when they work together?

Enter Music City Pizza, a restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee, where pizzas are named after bands and charities. For each pie sold, the band or charity receives $1. It's the brainchild of Keith Hayman, a former touring musician who owns both Music City Pizza and the adjacent music venue 12th & Porter. Every few months, he selects new bands and charities to feature on the menu.

We interviewed Hayman as part of our Fast Track Q&A series in which we're asking various small-business owners the same 11 questions about their professional and personal inspirations. Hayman shared with us his weirdest job (selling nonalcoholic beer), his talents as a human jukebox, and the pizza craving that led him to create Music City Pizza.

Interview conducted by Business Insider Studios and edited for clarity and length.

BI Studios:When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Keith Hayman: I wanted to be a professional football player, and I wanted to be a professional musician. I wound up playing college football, and then I wound up being a touring musician for about three years. I'm a self-taught piano player and guitar player.

BI: How did you get the idea for your business?

KH: I was splitting time in the four corners of the country doing disaster work, so I moved to Nashville, Tennessee, to be centrally located. When I moved to Nashville, I opened up a music loft called Hayman Loft and hosted a speakeasy with top music people for four years.

One day I was on my balcony, staring at the skyline and wondering why I couldn't get any pizza delivered. I said to myself, there has to be a Music City Pizza in Nashville. I Googled "Music City Pizza" and nothing came up. I went to domain.com and went to musiccitypizza.com and it was available, and that's how the idea started.

I connected it with an old music venue called 12th & Porter, so I combined the two business operations. My twist on the pizza venture is that I'm naming pizzas after bands and charities. If you're a band and I believe in you, then I'll name a pizza after you. Charities jumped all over this, so I've been raising money for lots of different charities by selling pizza. Right now I'm working with the Boys & Girls Club, Notes for Notes, and I'm doing one called Firehouse so all the firefighters get to vote on whatever pizza they want named after the firehouse.

BI: How did you pick the name for your business?

KH: This is Nashville — it's known as Music City. It's got Music City everything, and it didn't have Music City Pizza. So I thought it'd be a pretty good one to go with.

Keith Hayman, owner of 12th & Porter

BI: What is the biggest risk you've taken in your career?

KH: I quit my job right after getting a promotion to backpack around the world for a year by myself. I was with the company I'm working for now, Adjusters International.

During that year the first thing I did was go to the Burning Man festival, and then I lived on Martha's Vineyard for two months working on a sailboat. I traveled to New Zealand for two months and hiked the glaciers. I went to Australia and learned to scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef. I went to Malaysia, Thailand, India, and other places.

I was living on $3 to $10 a day — $50 a day in Western countries. I was living on beaches and sleeping with big spiders. This was not a luxury adventure.

BI: What's the strangest request you've had from a customer?

KH: People ask me all the time to name pizzas after them. Because my business model is naming pizzas after bands and charities, people come in and say, "Why don't you name a pizza after me?" I accommodate it after charities. But if Taylor Swift comes in and wants a pizza named after her, I may take a different consideration.

BI: What is your greatest talent, professional or otherwise?

KH: I'm known as a human jukebox for my ability to hear and play songs on command. I can throw a football about 40 yards behind my back, and I can also blow stick bubbles off my tongue. Three unique talents!

BI: What's the first job you ever had?

KH: I was at a pizza restaurant, Jerry's Sub Shop, in Southern Maryland. I was getting paid minimum wage, $3.50 an hour.

BI: What's the weirdest job you've ever had?

KH: My weirdest job was fresh out of college. I got a job as a special-events manager for McCann-Erickson. I was on the Anheuser-Busch account helping with branding for O'Doul's nonalcoholic beer. I had to drive a 24-foot beer truck with 30 kegs of nonalcoholic beer. I can't think of a bigger waste of time than driving around with lots of beer that can't get you drunk.

BI: Which entrepreneur or business personality do you most admire?

KH: Steve Jobs. He was revolutionary in innovation and thinking outside the box and creating simple products that the entire world uses.

BI: If you had a superpower, what would it be?

KH: To grant myself additional superpowers!

BI: What advice would you give to an aspiring small-business owner?

KH: Plan for the best and prepare for the worst.

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‘There Are Many Ways Of Being Smart’: Encouraging School Letter About Student Test Results Goes Viral


barrowford school letter

A letter sent to students at a U.K. primary school is going viral for encouraging children that they are more than their standardized test scores.

According to BBC News, Year 6 children at Barrowford Primary School in Lancashire (roughly the equivalent of 5th grade here in the U.S.) were sent home a letter with their standardized test scores that said how “proud” the school was of them and that “these tests do not always assess all of what it is that make each of you special and unique.”

The letter was co-written by Rachel Tomlinson and Year 6 teacher Amy Birkett, according to the Huffington Post UK, and given to students along with their Key Stage 2 results, which also happened to be the school's best results ever.

Immediately, parents and friends began to post the letter on social media. While the response has been overwhelmingly positive, some people on Twitter have pointed out that the letter is very similar to one posted by New York University research professor of education Diane Ravitch on her blog in November 2013.

Read the full letter below:

Please find enclosed your end of KS2 test results. We are very proud of you as you demonstrated huge amounts of commitment and tried your very best during this tricky week.

However, we are concerned that these tests do not always assess all of what it is that make each of you special and unique. The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you... the way your teachers do, the way I hope to, and certainly not the way your families do.

They do not know that many of you speak two languages. They do not know that you can play a musical instrument or that you can dance or paint a picture.

They do not know that your friends count on you to be there for them or that your laughter can brighten the dreariest day. They do not know that you write poetry or songs, play or participate in sports, wonder about the future, or that sometimes you take care of your little brother or sister after school.

They do not know that you have travelled to a really neat place or that you know how to tell a great story or that you really love spending time with special family members and friends.

They do not know that you can be trustworthy, kind or thoughtful, and that you try, every day, to be your very best... the scores you get will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything.

So enjoy your results and be very proud of these but remember there are many ways of being smart.

SEE ALSO: The 25 Best Universities In Europe

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The Most Expensive Homes For Sale In Every State


rhode island

Despite the sluggish housing market, homes at the high end of the spectrum are still being listed for record amounts. In Beverly Hills, there's a home selling for a whopping $135 million, and New York City has a $118.5 million penthouse on the market.

We've compiled a list of the most expensive homes currently for sale in every state. From a lakeside New Hampshire home with tennis courts and a private helicopter pad to an Aspen ski house, these homes are certain to suit the lifestyles of the rich and famous. 

The listings come from Zillow, Christie's International Real Estate, Sotheby's International Realty, Coldwell Banker, and other real estate websites. Properties categorized as farms or ranches were not included on the list.

51. NORTH DAKOTA: A $2.6 million five-bedroom, six-bathroom spacious home in Stanley set on 60 acres of land.

See more of this home >

50. SOUTH DAKOTA: A $2.99 million six-bedroom, six-bathroom home in Burke with an elevator and heated floors.

See more of this home >

49. IOWA: A $3.5 million five-bedroom, 5.5-bathroom home in Marion with a gourmet kitchen, a gym, and garage space for up to 11 cars.

See more of the home here >

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Locals Recommend The Best Tourist Spots In Their Home Cities


Piazza Navona, Rome

Going to Paris? Instead of waiting in line at the Louvre, locals recommend checking out the Musee d'Orsay instead.

The best travel tips come from locals, who know the destination better than any travel guidebook.

Love Home Swap analyzed over 700,000 travel tips from locals and created an infographic that shows the best local bars, restaurants, and activities around the world.

Their research found that Londoners recommend the little-known Horniman Museum over the big museums like the National Gallery or Tate Modern, and that Romans think the Piazza Navona is the best tourist attraction in the city—and not over-hyped spots like the Spanish Steps.  

There are also great restaurant and bar recommendations. Singaporeans think that hip KU DE TA is one of the best bars in the city, while Dubliners recommend Slattery's Bar for a true Irish pub experience. New Yorkers say that the best restaurants in the city are Momofuku and Dell'Anima—not over-hyped touristy restaurants like Serendipity or Tavern on the Green.

The full infographic is below.

Secret travel destinations infographic from Love Home Swap

SEE ALSO: 50 Travel Destinations That Will Be Huge In The Next 10 Years

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