![Music City Pizza in Nashville Music City Pizza in Nashville]()
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Local musicians and restaurants tend to share the same struggle — figuring out how to stay afloat in competitive, cutthroat industries.
So what happens when they work together?
Enter Music City Pizza, a restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee, where pizzas are named after bands and charities. For each pie sold, the band or charity receives $1. It's the brainchild of Keith Hayman, a former touring musician who owns both Music City Pizza and the adjacent music venue 12th & Porter. Every few months, he selects new bands and charities to feature on the menu.
We interviewed Hayman as part of our Fast Track Q&A series in which we're asking various small-business owners the same 11 questions about their professional and personal inspirations. Hayman shared with us his weirdest job (selling nonalcoholic beer), his talents as a human jukebox, and the pizza craving that led him to create Music City Pizza.
Interview conducted by Business Insider Studios and edited for clarity and length.
BI Studios:When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Keith Hayman: I wanted to be a professional football player, and I wanted to be a professional musician. I wound up playing college football, and then I wound up being a touring musician for about three years. I'm a self-taught piano player and guitar player.
BI: How did you get the idea for your business?
KH: I was splitting time in the four corners of the country doing disaster work, so I moved to Nashville, Tennessee, to be centrally located. When I moved to Nashville, I opened up a music loft called Hayman Loft and hosted a speakeasy with top music people for four years.
One day I was on my balcony, staring at the skyline and wondering why I couldn't get any pizza delivered. I said to myself, there has to be a Music City Pizza in Nashville. I Googled "Music City Pizza" and nothing came up. I went to domain.com and went to musiccitypizza.com and it was available, and that's how the idea started.
I connected it with an old music venue called 12th & Porter, so I combined the two business operations. My twist on the pizza venture is that I'm naming pizzas after bands and charities. If you're a band and I believe in you, then I'll name a pizza after you. Charities jumped all over this, so I've been raising money for lots of different charities by selling pizza. Right now I'm working with the Boys & Girls Club, Notes for Notes, and I'm doing one called Firehouse so all the firefighters get to vote on whatever pizza they want named after the firehouse.
BI: How did you pick the name for your business?
KH: This is Nashville — it's known as Music City. It's got Music City everything, and it didn't have Music City Pizza. So I thought it'd be a pretty good one to go with.
![Keith Hayman, owner of 12th & Porter]()
BI: What is the biggest risk you've taken in your career?
KH: I quit my job right after getting a promotion to backpack around the world for a year by myself. I was with the company I'm working for now, Adjusters International.
During that year the first thing I did was go to the Burning Man festival, and then I lived on Martha's Vineyard for two months working on a sailboat. I traveled to New Zealand for two months and hiked the glaciers. I went to Australia and learned to scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef. I went to Malaysia, Thailand, India, and other places.
I was living on $3 to $10 a day — $50 a day in Western countries. I was living on beaches and sleeping with big spiders. This was not a luxury adventure.
BI: What's the strangest request you've had from a customer?
KH: People ask me all the time to name pizzas after them. Because my business model is naming pizzas after bands and charities, people come in and say, "Why don't you name a pizza after me?" I accommodate it after charities. But if Taylor Swift comes in and wants a pizza named after her, I may take a different consideration.
BI: What is your greatest talent, professional or otherwise?
KH: I'm known as a human jukebox for my ability to hear and play songs on command. I can throw a football about 40 yards behind my back, and I can also blow stick bubbles off my tongue. Three unique talents!
BI: What's the first job you ever had?
KH: I was at a pizza restaurant, Jerry's Sub Shop, in Southern Maryland. I was getting paid minimum wage, $3.50 an hour.
BI: What's the weirdest job you've ever had?
KH: My weirdest job was fresh out of college. I got a job as a special-events manager for McCann-Erickson. I was on the Anheuser-Busch account helping with branding for O'Doul's nonalcoholic beer. I had to drive a 24-foot beer truck with 30 kegs of nonalcoholic beer. I can't think of a bigger waste of time than driving around with lots of beer that can't get you drunk.
BI: Which entrepreneur or business personality do you most admire?
KH: Steve Jobs. He was revolutionary in innovation and thinking outside the box and creating simple products that the entire world uses.
BI: If you had a superpower, what would it be?
KH: To grant myself additional superpowers!
BI: What advice would you give to an aspiring small-business owner?
KH: Plan for the best and prepare for the worst.
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