If you're willing to pay for it, there's probably someone willing to ship it to you.
Shopping is obviously a big deal on the Internet with companies like Amazon and eBay making it possible to order nearly anything your heart desires and have it show up on your doorstep a few days later.
E-commerce sales ended up tipping the scales, generating over $1 trillion last year.
And if you're the high-roller type who's willing to shell out a little more than usual for your for your luxury goods or unusual items, the Internet has your back.
Barry Bonds's 715th home run ball – $220,100

Sports memorabilia can obviously command quite a price. Barry Bonds's 715th home run ball sold on eBay for just over $220,000.
Honus Wagner baseball card – $1.265 million

It's not all memorabilia, though – collectors are still nuts for baseball cards.
Honus Wagner is one of the most famous baseball players in major league history. A 1909 trading card bearing the famous ballplayer's face sold for $1.265 million on eBay in 2010.
The card was a promotional item for a cigarette company, but it was pulled from circulation when Wagner objected to the use of his image without permission. This made it so rare as to command such a high sale price.
Carving of James Dean and Elvis Presley – $1.5 million

How much do you love "King Creole"? How about "Rebel Without A Cause?"
Show your fanhood for Elivs Presley and James Dean with this $1.5 million woodcarving. It's still for sale at the time of this writing!
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