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Two D.C. Entrepreneurs Found A Brilliant Way To Size A Men's Dress Shirt Off The Rack


hugh and crye founders pranav and philipp

This is for all of the gentlemen out there with the too-wide shirts that billow out in the front like a sheet (bad).

This is also for the guys with the too-tight-over-the-chest-shirts where the buttons look like they're about to burst (even worse).

Hugh and Crye is a D.C.-based men's clothing company with a distinct way of sizing their shirts. With two questions on their site they take into account a guy's height and body type to find a more precise fit from a range of 12 sizes (you can check out their sizing chart below).

Dress shirts are priced at $85, blazers come in at $245.

Founders Pranav Vora and Philip Soriano launched the company in 2010 for the same reason their clients go there — they thought the shirts they were buying in stores could fit better.

"There's typically too much fabric around the chest and waist, and through the sleeve. The other end of the spectrum is 'custom', which is often made-to-measure - an unfulfilled promise," said Vora. "The fit of most made-to-measure/custom shirts can be inexact, take a lot of time to fix and can be costly. We noticed that guys were generally just dealing with the options offered to them."

Yes, this is all a part of what everyone's saying about men's fashion — it's getting better, more stylish. But style falls to pieces if it isn't grounded in fit.

Neither Vora nor Soriano had backgrounds in fashion when they started Hugh and Crye. Vora went to grad school at the London School of Economics and worked in consulting while Soriano worked at a non-profit. After about a year of research and development, though, the duo set up an online store.

The first clients were friends and family, and then little pockets of buyers started popping up. There was even one in Wheeling, West Virgina, where it was clear one guy was telling all of his friends about the business.

"We had little clues along the way to tell us we were on the right track," said Vora and Soriano. "When we were working out our sizing (3 different heights with 4 different fits which result in 12 sizes), a world-renowned pattern maker told us we were doing things with the fit that she had never seen in menswear, but that it could be revolutionary."

When Hugh and Crye customers wanted to start trying shirts on, Vora and Soriano and  set up a storefront in Georgetown. The guys say they get their inspiration from pictures of grandfathers, uncles, fathers and other fresh looking gentlemen of old that knew they had to buy quality clothes and accessories that lasted for life.

In short: Sure, there are trends, but this is men's fashion, stick to the classics.

And of course, stay away from a few massive no-nos.

"Hem your pants and denim, gentleman," Pranav said. "Triple breaks aren't a thing, and probably never were. Hate seeing guys wearing cuff links without a jacket... Stay fit. Being in shape is the best way to look fantastic, no matter what you're wearing."

Soriano's fashion don't? — he actually has a few:

"The collar of a shirt is the most noticeable part of a wardrobe when you're talking to someone one-on-one. Two pet peeves: 1) When the collar flops down 70s style. 2) When the collar of the undershirt doesn't coincide with the way a guy is wearing his dress shirt. I often see guys wearing a crew neck undershirt when they have the top button of their dress shirt open. Or they wear a v-neck undershirt when they wear a dress shirt with a tie — you can see the V-neck through the dress shirt. Both are very noticeable and look tacky."

Don't be tacky.

Check out the Hugh & Crye fit chart below:

hugh and crye sizing chart



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These Are The Best Cities In The US To Be Young, Broke, And Single


University of Texas- Austin, Cheerleaders, football

We’ve seen all sorts of finance-based top 10 cities lists that either state the obvious or seem oblivious. No doubt you’ve seen them, too, and perhaps rolled your eyes: the 10 best places to get a job, own a home, start a family, hit the lottery … and of course, to buy and raise boa constrictors.

Now, it’s time for a list that really matters —especially to our under 30 readers. We present to you our first-ever “Best Cities in America to be Young, Broke and Single.”

How does a city make the cut, you might wonder? We compiled our roll call using metrics that matter to young professionals trying to simultaneously launch a career, find love, and stretch a still-meager paycheck: cheap food, cheap beer and cheap thrills, for starters. We looked at a city’s number of bars (after downing a microbrew, of course). Then we hit the lows (unemployment, cost of living) and the highs (numbers of fellow singles and young(er) adults, ages 18-44).

10: Oklahoma City, Okla.

Too often, this neck of the woods only makes headlines for its twisters and NBA franchise. Still, the University of Oklahoma rests just a stone’s throw away in Norman. And if you love warm weather, the average yearly temperature is 72, with an average high of 50 in January. (Of course, the occasional tornado is the tradeoff.) The local population of 580,000 has grown by 10 percent or more for three consecutive census periods, too. Clearly, something’s happening that’s attracting the young, broke and single — YBS for short.

Jobbing it: Employment prospects are good in the local mainstays, the federal government and the energy industry. (Oil derricks even dot the capitol grounds.) But Oklahoma City also has a growing info-tech sector that attracts young workers.

Did you know: The first-ever parking meter was installed here in 1935. So that’s what got the whole parking meter mess in Chicago started.

9: Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, Wash.

As that college-rock hero of yesteryear Robyn Hitchcock once sang, “Viva! Sea-Tac.” Home of the Space Needle, Microsoft, Jimi Hendrix and grunge rock, Seattle and its environs have low rents, superb scenery and hundreds of web startup wheeler-dealers hoping to follow in Bill Gates’ footsteps. It’s a also a smiley-face place, as the famous Happy Face logo was designed by a Seattle ad agency in 1966. And as you might’ve guessed for the home base of Starbucks, it’s got a healthy overabundance of coffee shops, where the price of a mocha can buy you some telecommuting “office space” for an afternoon.

Jobbing it: No matter how hard Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer tries to shipwreck his company, the software juggernaut is still hiring, and Seattle has become the focal point of an entrepreneurial/high-tech triangle that includes Portland, Ore., and Bend, Ore., to the south.

Did you know:  Although Seattle has a reputation for being rainy, that’s more a myth perpetuated by the locals who want to keep the kooks out. In fact, Seattle sells more sunglasses per year than any other major city in nation.

8: Des Moines-West Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines (a French phrase meaning “of the monks”) has its quirky charm. It’s the home of this year’s American Oatmeal Association national convention, and the place where Ozzy Osbourne bit off a bat’s head in concert. But for the YBS, this city of 580,000 is a serious place to settle down. 

Forbes magazine ranked Des Moines as the “Best Place for Business” in 2010 and,  no. 1 among “America’s Best Cities for Young Professionals” in 2011. As Forbes staffer Morgan Brennan writes, “Des Moines boasts a low 5.8 percent unemployment rate (sixth lowest of the 100 cities we studied) and healthy projected job growth rates of 0.97 percent  in 2011 and 2.86 percent in 2012.”

Jobbing it: Des Moines is a major center for the insurance industry and also has a sizable financial services base. Aviva USA (a top insurance firm with 33,000 agents) and the Principal Financial Group are among the big companies headquartered there.

Did you know: Des Moines is boring, you say? How wrong you are, and here’s proof: desmoinesisnotboring.com. Aside from covering events and nightlife, it includes some definitely-not-boring bloggers, including Annick Sjobakken, who writes with flair about everything from dodging rats (in NYC, not Des Moines) to her Grandma Pat.

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These Are The Books That Changed Our Lives


business insider, bi office profile, bi, may 2012, dng

We all have some book that we love so much that we keep re-reading—that resonates with us for years to come after we finish it.

The editors and reporters at Business Insider selected the books that changed our lives in some way, whether it made us re-evaluate something, think deeply about something of importance, or it left a lasting impact—even if that was just to make us laugh or cry.

From nonfiction books that taught us how to manage finances or study in school to novels that altered our views on life, here are the books that changed our lives.

Gus Lubin (Deputy Editor): "The Myth Of Sisyphus: And Other Essays" by Albert Camus

"I was having an existential crisis after my freshman year of college, when I came across an old paperback of 'The Myth Of Sisyphus and Other Essays' by Albert Camus. The book argues that although the world is bleak and meaningless, we shouldn't give up. The modern hero lives a good life in the face of the absurd. For a 19-year-old English major, it was a useful pep talk."

Buy this book here >

Linette Lopez (Finance Editor): "Why I Write" by George Orwell

"It's a perfect meditation on modern collective consciousness and how that impacted culture, society and politics during one of the most critical parts in human history, the years between the first and second world wars."

Buy this book here >

Megan Willett (Life Reporter): "How To Become A Straight-A Student" by Cal Newport

"I read it before I went to Wellesley, and it had the best hacks for studying and taking notes in class that I've ever come across. The goal is to study smarter — not longer — and to know what material is actually important to the professor. This is single-handedly the reason I graduated with honors, and I will give it to my children someday."

Buy this book here >

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

CEO Explains Why The Gay Boycott Against Stoli Vodka Is Wrong


Stolichnaya Russian Vodka

Gay bars around the world are boycotting Stoli vodka to protest Russia's anti-gay laws. 

But the boycott unfairly targets a private company that does support gay rights, the CEO of Luxembourg-based SPI Group told Bloomberg Businessweek

There are actually two companies that produce the vodka: A state-owned Russian company and SPI group, which sells the liquor in more than 100 countries.

CEO Val Mendeleev explained how his company has supported LGBT rights through the years. Bloomberg reports:

"The gay community 'is one of the active consumers of Stoli," Mendeleev says. To reach this group, Stoli, under SPI, produced a documentary series called 'Be Real: Stories From Queer America' in 2006, for instance. And in search of LGBT ambassadors for the brand, Stoli has been holding a series of events in U.S. cities since July 9 called the Most Original Stoli Guy."

Mendeleev also notes that Stoli's home page and Facebook page display rainbows. 

The boycott started after columnist Dan Savage published this story about why he was boycotting Russian vodka. 

Since then, the movement mobilized on Twitter under the hash tag #dumpstoli.

But the boycott has also garnered criticism and suggestions for better ways to protest.

SEE ALSO: 19 Fast Food Hacks That Will Change The Way You Order

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A Pakistani Talk Show Is Giving Away Abandoned Babies As Prizes


Pakistan Baby Prize Aamir Liaquat Hussain

In the photo above, a once childless Pakistani couple kiss their newly adopted daughter Fatima in Karachi on August 1. As you can see, the pair look happy to have received their new child.

But not everyone is happy that they have. It's not anything to do with the couple themselves, it's the manner in which they got the baby — they won him on a talk show.

In what Reuters describes as a "ruthless quest for ratings," the host of the Geo TV channel program "Amaan Ramazan," Aamir Liaquat Hussain, has given away two abandoned children to childless families in the last month. He intends to give away another boy this week.

Aamir Liaquat Hussain Pakistan Babies

CNN says the show has been described as "Pakistan's version of The Price Is Right," where members of the audience receive prizes in exchange for answering questions about the Quran. The show, due to run during the holy month of Ramadan, is breaking viewing records in the country and may well be extended.

Technically, there's no law against giving the babies away as prizes. Pakistan has no official adoption law, and the new parents will still have to apply for guardianship at a family court, CNN reports. The babies were provided by an NGO, and, despite not knowing before hand if they would "win" a baby, the couples chosen were said to be pre-screened and have reportedly had "four or five" sessions at the NGO.

Hussain and the NGO argue that this is the best outcome for the infants. "If we didn't find this baby, a cat or a dog would have eaten it," Hussain said as he gave away one baby.

Even so, it's a move that has provoked controversy given that the show usually gives out motorbikes, mobile phones, and land deeds, according to Reuters. On the Facebook page of the NGO, commenters are expressing outrage about the practice. "What stupidity," one Facebook user writes, "giving away children like gifts ..."

Reuters baby adoption game show

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Are You A Workaholic Or An Overearner?


elevator pitch, man, tired, yawn

Henry Nadler* spends up to 12 hours a day working as a remote creative director, conceiving and executing campaigns for a New York–based ad agency—and his hard work shows up in his six-figure paycheck. 

But instead of taking a load off at 5 or 6 p.m. to make dinner or hit the gym, Nadler, who is in his mid-30s and lives in Los Angeles, is getting ready for a second shift as the sole “ad agency” for a freelance client.

In this supplemental job, he does everything from account planning and strategic development to trafficking. And when he’s not doing either of those jobs, there’s a good chance he’s tapping into his third income source: making extra money doing voiceovers for commercials.

Nadler admits he’s an overearner, but says that making extra money is only a small part of why he overearns. His love of creative work is his primary motivation. And although he gets only about five hours of sleep most nights, he gives off the impression that he couldn’t be happier.

“The way you make money is doing things you love, because it doesn’t seem like work to you,” says Nadler. “When this other opportunity came along, it felt amazing, because I knew they were going with me because of the ideas I was going to bring to the table.”

Still, thanks to the extra money, he’s able to afford a few nice perks—beyond fancy dinners out and nice vacations. Recently, he was able to finance his own independent production company, which he co-owns with his fiancée. Though he admits working three jobs does take a toll, both on his relationship and his ability to focus.

“There is a lot of travel, a lot of late nights, when I can’t pay attention to home life and fun things the way someone in a more traditional work life could do,” he says. “On Thursday nights, when people want to go out, or Friday nights or even some Saturday nights, I’m tired. So that can certainly put a strain on a relationship.”

But Nadler isn’t alone in working beyond his day job and burning the proverbial candle at both ends, especially in an uncertain economic environment. The lingering threat of joblessness combined with increasing costs (health care, housing, college etc.) can spur many people to strive for extra cash to pad their wallets and assuage their fears.

So when does overearning cross that line to become good for your money, bad for your well-being?

RELATED: The Hot New Work Trend: Portfolio Careers

Inside the Mind of an Overearner

Being an overearner is a bit like being a garden-variety workaholic—both tend to involve working far more than a 40-hour workweek—but the drives underlying each tend to differ. Whereas workaholics may put in extra time at work to escape something else, like a less-than-fulfilling relationship or social life, overearners are, at least partially, motivated by another paycheck.

Family clinical psychologist Gerald Grosso, clinical director of Newport Beach, Calif.–based Morningside Recovery, which specializes in treating addiction, says overearners are often motivated by a number of things, such as fear of not having enough money or fear of feeling inadequate.

Often times, as in Nadler’s case, it isn’t necessarily about need: Overearners can also earn extra paychecks in order to live more comfortably, not merely survive. “You can get the same euphoric effect of substances like drugs or alcohol from accomplishment.”

RELATED: 9 Ways to Make Money on the Side

Kat Munson, a 28-year-old high school teacher in New Canaan, Conn., doesn’t consider herself an “overearner” because she isn’t necessarily rolling in the dough with her decent, but not grandiose, five-figure salary. But the additional $10,000 a year she makes after-hours as a coach for a handful of local high school swim teams, not to mention the thrill she feels coaching kids in her favorite sport, makes it hard to say no to the extra gigs.

“I probably wouldn’t need the money if I was O.K. living paycheck to paycheck on my teaching salary, but I’m not,” says Munson. “I have undergrad loans and graduate school to pay [for].”

By earning extra money, Munson doesn’t have to stress as much about taking a vacation or enjoying a night on the town. She also can’t seem to envision a life where she would just come home from work and go to happy hour like an ordinary person.

“I think, having been a swimmer and a student, I was always balancing doing a ton of different things,” she says. “I was brought up not having free time, so I feel like in my head, people who aren’t working are wasting time. What are you doing? What are you giving back?”

RELATED: How Visualization Can Make You Better With Money

When Is Overearning a Problem?

Plenty of Americans take on an extra paid gig here and there to accumulate a little fun money. But unlike regular, occasional-overtime workers, overearners are often motivated by a compulsive need to earn more, says Grosso. And it’s when overearning interferes with your daily activities, such as getting adequate sleep or spending time with family, that it becomes problematic.

“You can get the same euphoric effect of substances [like drugs or alcohol] from accomplishment,” says Grosso. “Once I start to accomplish a specific thing, I’m now starting to chase that feeling again. I’ve got to work more to create this over and over again. This is where it starts to cause disruption in other areas of my life, because now I’m not sleeping, or it’s causing issues in my relationship.”

Take Amber Simon*, 33, a physician in Detroit. In addition to her full-time job at a pediatric practice, she began doing moonlight shifts at a hospital downtown once a month. The patients were different, the job was more demanding, but what really seduced her was the fat bonus paycheck. Soon, Simon—who was in a new relationship—had signed on to work three out of four weekends a month and one overnight shift midweek.

While she was raking in the money, which helped pay down her credit card debt, her new boyfriend began to complain that he felt like a “widow” going solo to so many summer social events. Meanwhile, Simon was struggling to catch up on sleep lost to her overearning tendencies.

And the siren song of that extra earning power can get addictive: When overearners cut back, Grosso says, they sometimes experience withdrawal symptoms like that of an addict.

“You see people go through a crash no different than with some type of physical addiction,” he says. In this case, “they get themselves in a position where they can’t maintain the pace anymore.”

How to Strike a Balance

Nadler says slowing down is always on his to-do list. But the projects he’s assigned just keep getting better and better.

“It’s a constant struggle, because you say, ‘This project’s done … now it’s time to scale back a bit,’” he says. “But then you hear about the next commercial, and you say, ‘Ah, I really want to do that!’”

RELATED: Does Work-Life Balance Actually Exist?

Still, he says he’s made some progress in finding balance. When he’s at home and has finished working for the night, his computer stays shut. And, he says with a laugh, he never works on vacation.

Meanwhile, Munson says earning beyond Job #1 has taken somewhat of a toll on her social life. Like Simon, she doesn’t get to spend as much time with her boyfriend as she’d like. But both say their overearning is a temporary state of affairs: They plan to scale back when they have kids one day.

For now, Munson says, her extra work also supplies something more than a paycheck that she couldn’t get elsewhere: “There are definitely some days I’d prefer to just go home and hang out,” she admits. “But there are other days, when these kids go over and hug you at the end of their swimming race, and it’s worth all the hours you put in.”

*Names have been changed to protect the identity of certain overearners.

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A Record Number Of Young Adults Are Still Hunkered Down With Mom And Dad


young people on couch laptops hiding home house living roomThe recession may be over, but a record number of millennials are riding out a still-weak economy under their parents' roofs. 

In 2012, 21.6 million young adults aged 18-31 lived at home with their parents, up from 18.5 million just before the recession, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis

"This is the highest share in at least four decades and represents a slow but steady increase over the 32% of their same-aged counterparts who were living at home prior to the Great Recession in 2007 and the 34% doing so when it officially ended in 2009," the report says.

So, what's their deal? Are these a bunch of 'failure to launch' drop-outs or college graduates shut out of a still-weak job market? 

As many as half of home-dwelling millennials are college students, Pew found, most of whom (56%)  haven't hit their 25th birthday yet. Just 16% of adults aged 25-31 live at home. Men are more likely than women to return home (40% vs. 32%).

A sparse job market doesn't tell the whole story, however. On top of weak job opportunities, many more young adults are choosing to enroll in college these days and they are also delaying marriage longer than ever. 

In March 2012, 39% of 18- to 24-year-olds were enrolled in college, up from 35% in March 2007. And just 25% were married, down from 31% before the recession. 

But there's another factor that could be driving young people home that Pew doesn't take into account – student debt loads. With the average college graduate heading out into the real world with $27,000 worth of loans to pay off, who can blame them for cooling their heels with Mom and Dad while they come up with a game plan? 

On the whole, moving back home may be a dire sign for our job market, but better to be at home saving money than funding the lifestyle people think 20-somethings "should" have on plastic instead.

SEE ALSO: 5 reasons money isn't making you happy

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Spanish Police Arrest 8 Men For Building And Selling Fake Ferraris


seized replica ferrari

We see numerous replica supercars come and go, including some that could fool even an expert’s eye, but rarely do you hear of the cars' builders being busted by the cops, despite the obvious copyright infringements and other breaches of the law that typically go hand in hand with replica supercars.  

That wasn’t the case for the unscrupulous builders of these replica Ferraris, who were arrested and had the contents of their workshop in Valencia, Spain seized by the local authorities.

A total of 19 cars, most of them Ferrari F430 replicas, though some Aston Martin models were also present, were seized by police. Eight men were arrested and charged.

The cars were sold over the Internet and were priced from 40,000 euros (approximately $53,000), according to the police. There’s been no mention of what donor vehicles were used for the replicas but a Toyota engine can be seen in the image above, suggesting one of the vehicles may have been an MR2. The mid-engine Toyota is a popular choice among replica supercar builders.

The replicas themselves were made from fiberglass and featured highly detailed engine bays, the police said. We can see that Ferrari wheels and even Ferrari-labeled brake calipers were also copied.

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SEE ALSO: Now You Can Rent A Lamborghini Gallardo From Hertz

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Meet The Badly Behaving, Fabulously Dressed Offspring Of A British Rockstar


Ferry brothers bryan otis isaac tara merlin

Yesterday, Vanity Fair came out with its annual International Best Dressed List for 2013. Making this year's cut were three very well-heeled brothers — Otis, Isaac, and Tara Ferry — known in Great Britain as the "feral Ferrys."

But they're not quite as well-known here across the pond.

So who are the Ferry brothers? Otis, Isaac, and Tara are the sons of Bryan Ferry, the famous British lead singer of Roxy Music. Their mother is Lucy Helmore, an aristocratic former model, who has since remarried nightclub tycoon Robin Birley. The Ferrys have a fourth brother named Merlin who didn't make the Vanity Fair list.

The four brothers are frequent fodder for the British tabloids thanks to their run-ins with the law, ties to gorgeous socialites and models, and forays into the music industry. They're also incredibly charming, good looking, and talented.

Otis ferry30-year-old Otis is the oldest of the Ferry brothers, and also the one with the longest rap sheet. His first arrest was in August 2002 when he was caught planning to plaster pro-hunting posters on the walls of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair's home at 4 AM.

His most famous incident was two years later, when he and several other men broke into the chambers of the House of Commons to protest a ban on hunting with dogs.

But the biggest legal trouble for Otis came when he was locked up for four months in a Category B prison after being arrested for robbery, common assault, and alleged witness tampering in 2007. Ferry told The Telegraph he intervened in a fight between three pro-hunting and anti-hunting supporters, and took a video camera from the scene that documented the incident.

One of the anti-hunting supporters, however, claimed he had fought her for the camera and she was left injured, The Telegraph reported.

After his release, a judge later described Ferry's custody as "nonsensical and farcical," according to the Telegraph. He was released on bail after four months and eventually pleaded down to a public order offense and paid a $685 fine. 

Otis now lives in a two-bedroom cottage in Shropshire with 60 hunting hounds, five horses, and three pet dogs. His title as joint hunt master of the South Shropshire Hunt doesn't pay, so he makes ends meet by writing for a living and serving as a spokesperson for leather brand Noble Macmillan.

He's currently dating 22-year-old model Edie Campbell, who has been featured on the cover of British Vogue, and is the face of Marc Jacobs, Jil Sander, and Lanvin.

attached image28-year-old Isaac is known for partying in London, and has been attached romantically to Sienna Miller, British models, and even his father's now-wife Amanda Sheppard, a 30-year-old former party planner.

He's a music producer — including for his father's band Roxy Music — and DJs fashion parties at night, according to The Standard.

He also works as a model himself. Isaac made his modeling debut when he was 16 at a summer 2002 menswear show for Christian Dior in Paris, and even worked with Kate Moss in a Burberry campaign. Most recently he was a spokesperson for MR PORTER.

Though he's never been arrested, Isaac was expelled from the prestigious Eton boarding school in 2002 after allegedly sending an abusive email to an anti-hunt campaigner, according to Express.

According to insiders, he's also a talented graphic design artist and a good tennis player.

tara ferry Lanvin Fall/Winter 2013 Men's Campaign23-year-old Tara is also a model like his older brother, having posed for big brands like Burberry and Lanvin.

A graduate of the Chelsea College of Art and Design, he's a drummer for the band Rubber Kiss Goodbye, and sometimes drums in his father's band Roxy Music as well.

His most tabloid-y incident occurred in 2004 when he was suspended from Bryanston School in Dorset after allegedly being caught with marijuana.

All-in-all, he's the most tame of the four brothers.

The baby of the clan, 22-year-old Merlin may not have made Vanity Fair's best dressed list this year, but he is making headlines.

Ferry brothers bryan otis isaac tara merlinThe youngest Ferry just narrowly avoided jail after being caught carrying a knife for the second time, according to The Daily Mail (For the time being, he was given 100 hours of community service and told to pay a $760 fine.)

Merlin was allegedly carrying the knife when police searched his car for drugs, and reportedly mouthed off to the cops, telling them to go away and "investigate real crime," as well as "you can just unarrest me now," according to The Daily Mail.

Merlin is a guitar player for the band Voltrob, and even played on one of his father's tracks for the 2010 album Olympia.

He's currently at Manchester University, and spent his gap year traveling around America. He says he eventually wants to go back to New York and make films for a living, according to The Standard.

With their recent Vanity Fair title as some of the world's best-dressed men, here's to hoping the Ferry brothers won't be settling down anytime soon.

DON'T MISS: Meet The Best-Dressed Men In The World

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Plastic Surgery Doesn't Make Your Face More Attractive, Science Says


plastic surgery

Women and men who turn to plastic surgery to engineer a better face may be disappointed: a new study suggests that going under the knife or needle makes patients look slightly younger, but not more attractive.

In a small experiment, 50 raters guessed the age and ranked the attractiveness of 49 plastic surgery patients, aged 42-73, as seen in photographs before and after surgery.

Patients had all types of face surgical procedures, including brow-lifts, face-lifts, and neck-lifts.

Here's the good news: raters thought that patients looked 3.1 years younger, on average, than their real age after surgery. In contrast, attractiveness scores did not show a statistically significant change following surgery, the study said. This was the outcome regardless of the cosmetic procedure or the age of the patient.

Describing one limitation of the study, the authors note that "rating attractiveness is perhaps more subjective than guessing one’s age," and "further investigation is warranted to verify these findings." 

Plastic surgery remains a worldwide phenomenon — with American leading the trend.

In 2012, over 14.6 million cosmetic procedures, surgical and non-surgical, were performed in the United States alone, according the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The most popular nip-tuck? Lipoplasty (fat removal) followed in a close second by breast augmentation, based on a study from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

The study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Thursday, August 1.

SEE ALSO: 8 Scientifically Proven Reasons Life Is Better If You're Beautiful

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Jaguar's First Sports Car In 40 Years Lives Up To Its Legendary Predecessor


2014 Jaguar F-Type Alex driving

The first — and only  time I drove a 1969 Jaguar E-Type, two things nearly killed me: The excitement of driving the sexiest car ever made, and fear that it would stop running in the middle of the highway and I would promptly be crushed.

That’s the double-edged reputation of the E-Type, gorgeous but horribly unreliable, and not all that pleasant to actually drive.

Now Jaguar is out with the F-Type, its first sports car since E-Type production stopped in 1974, and while Jaguar reps call out the Porsche 911 as the key competitor, it’s the legendary E that weighs more heavily on impressions of the F.

"Sexy" Is The Wrong Word

The F-Type didn’t inherit its father’s stunning looks. In the lowest, widest, and shortest Jag ever; the obviously phallic quality of the C-, D-, and E-Types is lacking.

Over drinks with auto journalists in Seattle to drive the car, there was consensus that you can’t call the F “sexy.”

That’s not to say it’s a bad-looking car. Much of the blame can be placed on modern regulations that make cars safer for drivers and pedestrians, but yield a somewhat homogeneous design field.

1969 Jaguar E-Type roadster

"Helluva" Fits Nicely

But whatever its looks, the F-Type is one hell of a car to drive. The stubby quality that detracts from its looks makes it rigid, and it responds beautifully on tight turns. Five hours of driving through the mountains around Seattle was exhilarating.

Both the 6- and 8-liter engines sound glorious— rendering the optional $1,200 sound system totally superfluous — and provide more than enough power to pass semitrailers on tight mountain roads. The interior is well designed and comfortable.

The basic F-Type with a V6 engine starts at $69,000. The 6- and 8- liter models I drove were $99,320 and $104,770, respectively.

Better Car, Lesser Icon

Jaguar has scored solid marks on recent reliability and initial quality tests, though its grades are hardly consistent. But it’s hard to imagine the F-Type being anywhere near as unreliable as its predecessor, so it beats the E-Type there.

It’s also a whole lot easier and much more fun to drive. I was worried the (admittedly 44-year-old) E-Type would kill me driving on slight turns, but all I wanted to do in the F was go faster and harder into corners. On the track, it performed beautifully.

In the end, Jaguar could not have topped the iconic look of the E-Type. The F-Type may not be the best-looking sports car you see on the road, but once you’re inside, that doesn’t matter. There’s a lot of excitement. And no more fear.

Full Disclosure: Jaguar Land Rover paid for our travel and lodging expenses to drive the 2014 F-Type.

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27 Tips For Mastering Your Destiny


boy walking into sunsetSome people are born brilliant, lucky, or both. The rest of us have to work a little harder.

In his latest best-seller, "Mastery," author Robert Greene analyzes great figures from history, interviews contemporary leaders, and draws from years of psychology research to distill steps anyone can follow to become a master.

His other books discuss the strategies of power, seduction, war, and 50 Cent.

With permission from the author, we've highlighted some tips for mastering your destiny.


Many people have an intense feeling about what they do best. Too often, they're driven away from it by other people. The first step is to trust yourself and aim your career path at what's unique about you.

Leonardo Da Vinci didn't come into his own as an artist alone, but when he followed his childhood curiosity about everything, he became an advisor and expert in subjects from architecture to anatomy. 

Source: Robert Greene's "Mastery"

Rather than compete in a crowded field, find a niche where you can dominate.

Legendary neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran was once a restless and dissatisfied professor of Psychology. What was supposed to be a calling felt like a job. When he began the study of phantom limbs and anomalous brain disorders, he found questions about the brain and consciousness that fascinate him to this day. 

Find your perfect niche, and stand out. 

Source: Robert Greene's "Mastery"

Rebel against the wrong path, and use that anger as motivation.

Mozart was a child prodigy on the piano. At a very young age, his domineering father toured Europe with him. When he discovered a talent for unique composition, his father suppressed it. It wasn't until he rejected his father entirely that he became a master.

We are often attracted to the wrong things, whether it be money, fame, or approval. 

Source: Robert Greene's "Mastery"

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Poverty In The US Looks A Lot Brighter If You Don't Count College Students


If only states could cancel out unemployed college co-eds when they calculate income rates, it would paint a much different picture of poverty in the U.S. 

There are some 23.2 million college students enrolled in the U.S., the majority of whom either still live at home with their parents (66%)  or in on-campus dormitories (11%), according to the U.S. Census. But the 25% of students who live in off-campus housing are factored into poverty calculations at city, county, and state levels and could be skewing the numbers.

study by the Census found that in areas with heavy student populations, the difference in poverty rates with and without college students is quite significant. For example,  Monongalia County, W. Va., home of the University of West Virginia, saw its poverty rate decrease by about half, from 23.0% to 12.6% after college kids were excluded. 

Likewise, the poverty rate fell from 21% to 11.5% for Tompkins County, N.Y., home of Cornell University. 

The study is meant as a tool for city planners to think about recalculating the way they deal with poverty measures. 

The maps below show a nice before and after snapshot of what poverty rates would look like if we excluded college co-eds. 


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college poverty us census map

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20 Unreal Pictures From Red Bull's Action Sports Photography Contest


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Red Bull's action and adventure sports photography competition is well underway, and the images submitted this year were truly unreal.

The photo contest, called the Red Bull Illume Image Quest, has been held twice before, and is one of the world's only international photography competitions dedicated solely to action and adventure sports. 

Of the thousands of images that were submitted, 250 were shortlisted and sent to a panel of judges.

In August, the top 50 finalists will be invited to Hong Kong, where the winners will be announced. Once the winning photos have been chosen, they will become part of a traveling, stand-alone, nighttime-only photo exhibit that will make its way around the world.

We picked 20 of the 250 shortlisted images that we thought were truly unreal. You can see the complete shortlist here

Jorge Ferzuli flies like a bird in Athens, Greece (Photographed by: Samo Vidic).

Hubert Schober and Kedley Oliveti take the plunge in Zakynthos, Greece (Photographed by Dimitrios Kontizas).

Todor Spasov falls through the air at Vila Franca do Campo in Azores, Portugal (Photographed by Romina Amato).

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14 Totally Bizarre Amusement Parks Around The World


Republic of the Children

Amusement parks have been a family favorite for years.

The roller coasters. The Ferris Wheels. The illegal border crossings.

Yes, there's a park based around that theme.

There's a huge assortment of bizarre amusement parks around the world.

From mermaid performances to a Soviet era-themed world, we rounded up the world's strangest amusement park attractions.

Diggerland, in the United Kingdom, is an aspiring construction worker's dream.

The ultimate hard-hat zone, Diggerland has four locations throughout the UK. The park allows children and adults alike to drive real, full-sized construction vehicles, no license necessary. 

Beyond the attraction of operating giant machinery and riding in tractor-shaped carnival rides, Diggerland features special events like the annual Car Smash and Dress-Up days, where pint-sized park-goers clad in construction gear earn free admission.

Learn more about Diggerland >

Weeki Wachee Springs in Spring Hill, Florida, is a "City of Live Mermaids."

Weeki Wachee Springs sits on top of a hot spring. Weeki Wachee has been holding underwater shows since the late 1940s, where mermaids swim with strapped on tails to routines such as Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid.”

In addition to daily performances, the park also has a white-sand beach, lazy river boat rides, animal shows, and instructional camps for aspiring mermaids. 

Learn more about Weeki Wachee Springs here >


Tierra Santa in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is the "World's First Religious Theme Park."

Visitors can stroll the streets of Biblical Jerusalem in this mock town. It's divided into events from Jesus's life, from the Nativity to the Last Supper. Belly dancers perform in the town square, where you can grab a table at the Baghdad Café and munch on some pita bread.

If you go, make sure you stick around for at least an hour. A 40-foot tall plastic Jesus statue rises from behind a rock on the hour and visitors claim it solidifies your experience, whether that be a religious or kitsch-y one.

Learn more about Tierra Santa >

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YACHT OF THE WEEK: The $300 Million 'Nirvana' Is A Billionaire's Dream


Nirvana Yacht From The Side

This is Nirvana.

Designed by Sam Sorgiovanni and built by Oceano, the ultra-luxurious megayacht made its debut in 2012, and at 290 feet long it's the 39th-largest yacht in the world. It can go up to 22 miles per hour (about 19.5 knots maximum speed).

The "spectacular trans-Pacific cruiser" has also just won Boat International Media's prestigious award for Best Exterior Design & Styling. Among its insane amenities are a reptile room, on-board spa and fitness center, interior elevator, and helicopter pad.

The asking price is a cool 230 million euros (about $305,348,000). 

At 290 feet long, the ship is enormous and has six decks, all of which are connected by a main stairwell as well as an amazing glass elevator.

The owner's deck is ultra-private with its own outdoor terrace for dining. Elsewhere on the ship there is a stage for live performances as well as a jet pool with a floor that rises to create a unique "party space."

The are 6 cabins: one master, one "VIP" and four double cabins. All have floor-to-ceiling windows, and the yacht can comfortably fit up to 12 guests, not including crew members.


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The 10 Biggest Jewel Heists In History


Did the Pink Panther gang strike again on the weekend? The international jewel thieves are thought to have escaped with $136m in gems from Cannes' Carlton Intercontinental Hotel on Sunday - one of the largest diamond and jewellery heists ever seen.

We thought this was a good juncture to take a look at 10 of the top heists in recent memory:

10. December 2002, Museum of Science, The Hague — $12m

A science museum isn't the first place you'd think of when considering a diamond heist, but it just so happened that The Museon, a museum of science in The Hague, Netherlands, was holding an exhibition entitled The Diamond - From Rough Stone to Gem.

The heist that took place is one of the most inexplicable of all time, with authorities still not entirely sure how thieves got away with $12m in diamonds and jewellery, including many pieces from royal collections.

The break-in occurred at some point over one weekend, with thieves smashing a window to gain entry, yet not being heard by guards or picked up by CCTV. They gained access to six of 28 alarmed cabinets in the main jewellery room and swiftly escaped.

The heist was not discovered until the following Tuesday, as the museum was closed on Monday and had no reason to suspect anything untoward.

9.  March 2007, ABN Amro Bank, Antwerp — $28m

Sometime in 2006, a sweet grey-haired gentleman going by the name of Carlos Hector Flomenbaum began visiting the ABN Amro bank in Antwerp's famous diamond district. He became close friends with the bank staff, billing himself as a prosperous businessman and plying them with all manner of luxury gifts and chocolate.

The gullible staff were soon suckered in by this elaborate ruse — after all, who could suspect an innocent old man with an American accent and Argentinean passport, with an increasing desire to befriend the entire workforce?

"Flomenbaum" eventually gained a key to the bank's vaults and simply helped himself, emptying five boxes of uncut diamonds and walking away with $28m. It was later discovered, unsurprisingly, that his passport was stolen.

8. February 2008, Damiani showroom, Milan — $32m

Police ignored the complaints about a loud drilling noise from a woman living next door to the Damiani jewellery boutique in Italy's glamorous Milan — but they soon wished they hadn't.

A ring of thieves had been drilling a tunnel into the jeweller's basement for months. Staff were preparing for a private showing on the morning of the break-in, meaning that the store was conveniently clear of customers.

The thieves tied up the staff and easily slipped away with an estimated $32m-worth of fine jewellery. However, their haul could have been bigger — many of the top pieces were on loan to celebrities attending the Oscars at the time.

7. February 2013, Brussels Airport — $50m

One of the most brazen heists on the list.

Eight masked gunmen dressed as police officers simply cut a hole in the airport fence and drove up to an airplane that was being loaded with $50m of precious stones bound for Zurich. Stopping the plane, they casually loaded 130 bags into their van and car and drove off.

Since then, more than 30 suspects have been rounded up in three countries, and a small portion of the stolen gems have been recovered.

6. 1994, Carlton Hotel, Cannes — $60m

It seems that the Carlton Hotel in Cannes really needs to step-up its security. Not only was it the victim of the attack this weekend, but it was hit by the same gang, known as the Pink Panthers, in 1994.

This was a bluntly executed operation, with three masked men simply waltzing into the store at closing time and opening fire with their machine guns. Peppering the place, they walked out with $60m of assorted diamonds and jewellery.

It was later discovered — due to an absence of bullet holes — that the men had been firing blanks. How very kind of them…

5. 2009, Graff Diamonds, London — $65m

This is probably the largest diamond heist in British history, and another attributed to the Pink Panthers, suspected to predominately be formed of former soldiers from Serbia.

Two men from the gang arrived at London's Graff Diamonds store dressed in sharp suits. Concealing handguns, they bagged 43 of the store's top items.

The thieves failed to hide their faces from CCTV, but that was of little consequence. They had visited a professional make-up artist prior to the robbery, who fitted them with a range of identity concealing prosthetics.

However, the hapless criminals left a mobile phone in their getaway car, and were soon identified as Solomon Beyene and Craig Calderwood.

4. December 2008, Harry Winston store, Paris — $107m

The Pink Panthers once more? In December 2008, four men dressed (somewhat unconvincingly) as women walked into the renowned Harry Winston store in Paris, just down the road from the local police station.

Immediately jumping into action, they threatened the staff — whom they referred to by their first names — with handguns. They each knew the location of all the store's secret safes and, within 20 minutes, were on their way with roughly $107m of jewellery and diamonds, never to be seen again.

3. February 2003, Antwerp Diamond Centre — $118m

However, in February 2003, 123 of the 160 deposit boxes were emptied and discovered strewn across the floor.

The clever plan had been four years in the making, with the perpetrators renting office space across the road to learn the complex alarm system and how to bypass it. They also obtained keys to the vault and recorded over security tapes, leaving more than a little hint that this may have been an inside job.

However, some members of the group, which includes characters such as the "King of Thieves" and another called the "Magician with the Keys," aren't as competent at their jobs as they might be — one thief left behind a half-eaten sandwich, resulting in most of the members going to jail.

2. July 2013, Carlton Hotel, Cannes — $136m

That's right, the heist that took place at the unfortunate Carlton Intercontinental Hotel in Cannes over the weekend (July 28) was perhaps the largest ever seen. And what's more, it was the work of just one individual.

A man wearing a cap and bandana walked into the hotel's ground-floor exhibition room brandishing a pistol, and soon walked out with a suitcase containing roughly $136m in diamonds belonging to Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev.

Coincidentally, the Carlton Hotel is the setting for Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 jewellery heist film "To Catch a Thief."

Police apparently suspect a Bosnian called Milan Poparic, who recently made a daring escape from prison after members of the Pink Panther gang rammed the front gate of his Swiss prison and opened fire on guards, allowing him to slip away.

1. 2000, Millennium Dome, London - $700m (almost)

Ok, so this one was never fully realised due to the diligence of the British police, but it has to top our list, not only for the value of the gems involved, but also for the sheer James Bond-esque style with which it was (nearly) carried out.

Wearing gas masks and using an array of equipment, including a JCB earth digger, thieves broke into London's recently opened Millennium Dome, attempting to steal the world-famous Millennium Star diamond (weighing 203 carats) and 12 blue diamonds, all of which were owned by De Beers.

They threw tear gas canisters in the entrance to prevent anyone entering the building, but the police were already inside. They had been tipped off prior to the robbery and were dressed as cleaning crew, ready to pounce once the robbers had done enough to incriminate themselves.

Yet, the thieves would have been sorely disappointed even if they had escaped with the shiny objects they sought. All of the gems had been replaced with fakes to ensure that their plan was well and truly foiled.

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New York City Unveils Plans For A Beach In Manhattan


empire state building nyc

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Manhattan, an island with miles of waterfront, will finally get its own beach.

Just minutes from Wall Street, the Empire State Building and other landmarks that define New York City, a playground of sand and surf will be created out of a strip of fenced-off wasteland in the southern tip of the island.

The $7 million Brooklyn Bridge Beach plan, whose details were unveiled on Thursday, covers 11,000 square feet area under the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge, at the mouth of the East River.

One caveat is the sewage-tainted water, which most New Yorkers consider too polluted to swim in.

"We're embracing the great power of our rivers," City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said as she announced the plan's funding, with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background.

"Our rivers were part of what made us the greatest city in the world and now we are reclaiming them for economic development and for recreation, but also for protection."

With fresh lessons from superstorm Sandy, which caused $50 billion in damages and economic losses in New York state, the project will create salt marsh planters and wetlands that would serve as buffer against future storms and flooding.

The area will also feature terraced seating, a kayak launch, a spot for fishing, tree-lined walkways and concession stands.

"If we can bring this plan to fruition right here in Manhattan, this could be a model for the rest of the world," said Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer.

The plan, initiated three years ago, is funded by the Manhattan Borough President's office in collaboration with the City Council.

While the main provisions to build Brooklyn Bridge Beach have secured funding, the larger, more complex plan of revitalizing Manhattan's East Side waterfront, between the Brooklyn Bridge and East 38th street, would require raising additional capital.

(Reporting by Francesca Trianni; Editing by Richard Chang)

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Former SAP Exec Gets 30 Days In Jail And 3 Years Probation For Stealing LEGOs


Thomas Langenbach

LEGOs can be expensive. Some of those super cool kits will set you back more than $100.

So Thomas Langenbach, a former SAP executive reportedly living in a Silicon Valley home worth millions, came up with an interesting scheme to get them on sale, reports Palo Alto Online's Sue Dremann.

Police say he printed up his own barcode stickers that gave him hugely discounted prices. Then he walked into the store, put his own barcodes on the boxes and headed to the checkout counter.

For instance, Langenbach allegedly bought a $279 box of Millennium Falcon LEGOS for just $49, and a $90 Anakin Lego set for about $35.

Langenbach was arrested in May and this week took a plea bargain. He was facing up to five years in prison. With the plea bargain, he'll serve 30 days in a county jail, six months in custody and another three years probation, Dremann reports.

Selling Legos was quite a business operation for Langenbach, as we previously reported.

Langenbach sold many of his Legos on an eBay account that generated about $30,000 between April and the time of his arrest, the police said.

Langenbach is no longer at the company, a SAP spokesperson confirmed. He was previously a vice president at the SAP Integration & Certification Center (ICC) in Palo Alto. He had been with SAP since 1988, according to his LinkedIn profile.

SEE ALSO: Here's What Happens When Wine And Geeks Mix

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Dunkin' Donuts To Open In The Epicenter Of Hipster Williamsburg


dunkin donuts

WILLIAMSBURG — Soon visitors to the trendy "epicenter of Williamsburg" will get a new first impression when they hop off the Bedford Avenue subway station: Dunkin' Donuts.

The sprawling chain with more than 3,100 franchises worldwide is moving into prime real estate on the corner of Bedford Avenue and North Seventh Street, said past tenants who were priced out of the coveted locale.

"I bet within a month or two they'll be up and running," said past tenant Halina Jankowski, whose Northside Pharmacy occupied the space the past 15 years and has moved one block away on Driggs Avenue. "They started construction around the Fourth of July...They're working hard."

Representatives from the company confirmed that the chain was indeed setting up shop but did not comment on when the new store would open.

The Dunkin Donuts — next door to the bar Spike Hill and on a strip of other eateries and boutiques that have replaced many bodegas in recent years — will take up a "great corner" that's "the epicenter of Williamsburg," Jankowski said, admitting her surprise the chain would occupy the space.

"I just expected something a little more fancy," she said, "or original or hip."

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