6 Signs You're Ready To Retire Early
No. 1: You are emotionally ready to quit workingBoth the big picture and the fine details of your financial and emotional states are important to consider when assessing your readiness for early...
View ArticleAnimal Rights Activists Hack Foie Gras Supplier's Website And Publish Client...
Earlier this week, animal rights activists hacked the website of Hudson Valley Foie Gras — a large U.S. supplier — and sent the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of their customers...
View ArticleMartha Stewart Checked Out This Wall Streeter's Striking $30 Million...
Martha Stewart may be growing tired of her 153-acre Cantitoe Corners estate in Bedford, N.Y., because according to the NY Post, she checked out another amazing Bedford estate belonging to financier...
View ArticleI Quit My High-Paying Wall Street Job To Work At Chipotle
Two years ago, Vijay Brihmadesam had a cushy finance job at a private equity firm in Palo Alto, Calif. But that all changed after Brihmadesam ran into Jason Pate, a former classmate at Duke University....
View ArticleThe 20 Best Airlines In The World
With high fares, costly fees, and now the prospect of endless delays caused by sequester-mandated FAA budget cuts, flying economy is often a horror show.But not all airlines are created equal, and some...
View ArticleSam's Club Vs. Costco: Which Is The Best Wholesaler For Your Wallet?
I’ve been trying to decide whether I should renew my membership to my local discount warehouse club.Now that I no longer have kids in diapers (hallelujah!) and don’t have any plans to buy a flat-screen...
View ArticleThe 25 Most Expensive Tasting Menus On Earth
One of the best ways for foodies to truly experience the world's best restaurants is by ordering a multi-course tasting menu.But these carefully crafted and elaborate meals can easily cost upwards of...
View Article11 Excellent Cities For Financial And Emotional Prosperity
Credit card search site CardHub.com is out with its Best & Worst Cities for Wallet Wellness study, in which it features places where consumers aren't just financially fit but mentally fit as...
View ArticleYou're Already Rich –– Here's How To Keep It That Way
Most people believe that striking it rich will instantly solve all their financial problems forever. Yet as rich people know all too well, it can be just as hard to hang onto your wealth as it was to...
View ArticleThe True Cost Of Buying A Super-Luxury Home Around The World
Buying and selling expensive properties can be extremely expensive.Just how bad it gets in major cities was analyzed more thoroughly than ever before in a report by property developers Candy &...
View ArticleHOUSE OF THE DAY: Zsa Zsa Gabor's $14.9 Million Mansion Is Back On The Market
The 96-year-old actress Zsa Zsa Gabor and her ninth husband Prince Frédéric van Anhalt have had quite the real-estate year.First they found a buyer for their Bel Air mansion and the property went into...
View ArticleScientists Spent Weeks In The Desert Pretending They Were On Mars
The San Rafael Swell in central Utah is a massive dome of layered rocks, surrounded by a Delaware-sized maze of deep canyons and multi-colored cliffs.More than a decade ago, Robert Zubrin, author of...
View ArticleThis Is How Seriously The French Take A Baguette Competition
Two hundred and three Parisian bakers entered the Best Baguette of Paris 2013 competition. Wrapped in white paper with identification numbers, the entries were tasted, sniffed, weighed, and measured to...
View ArticleProfessional Celebrity Impersonators From Around The Globe
On Tuesday, charges were dropped against professional Elvis impersonator Paul Kevin Curtis after he was falsely accused of sending letters containing "a suspicious granular substance" called ricin to...
View ArticleAir Travelers Shouldn't Stop Whining About The Pains Of Flying
THERE IS no doubt that air travel is cheaper and safer than it was decades ago. But some of us, particularly on this and similar blogs, continue to complain.Boarding is chaotic and takes too long....
View ArticleHow North Koreans Celebrate The Lives Of Their Leaders
As the current North Korean crisis unfolds, I am reminded of a feeling I got when I visited the DPRK during the “100th birthday” celebration of Kim Il Sung.It is a feeling of being stuck in an...
View Article10 Of The World's Best Parks For Enjoying Spring Weather
If you’re backpacking, or on a leisurely vacation, chances are you want to experience the destination in all its glory.Often the first places that enthused travelers are itching to check out are...
View ArticleMcDonald's Is Entertaining The Idea Of All-Day Breakfast
Is McDonald’s about to offer all-day breakfast, borrowing a page from Denny’s, Jack in the Box, and IHOP?Could be.The question is getting some big buzz because McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson said he’s...
View Article22 Amazing Destinations You Can See With Google Street Views
WHOA, this week you have the least money in your bank account that you’ve ever had. You can literally only afford three things at the 99¢ Store.That trip you’d been thinking about is so far down the...
View ArticleThe 10 Most Socially Advanced Countries In The World
The Social Progress Index is a new metric that measures progress through fulfillment of basic human needs rather than traditional indicators of economic growth.The index, designed by a team led by...
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