The shoemaker in Turkey, the potato seller in Vietnam, and the weaver in Bolivia are among the billions of low-income entrepreneurs who make the world go round. They are also the type of people who can benefit significantly from microfinance.
Every year, the Consultative Group To Assist The Poor (or CGAP) hosts a photo contest asking entrants to submit photos based around the idea of microfinance. The purpose of the contest is to give amateur and professional photographers a chance to show the different ways that poor households manage their financial lives and make their lives better through financial inclusion.
Housed at the World Bank, CGAP is an advocacy group that works with development agencies, foundations, and national governments to advance the lives of the poor by improving their access to finance.
The 2014 Photo Contest is now open for submissions until October 8th. The nonprofit is looking for photos that show how financial inclusion makes a difference in the lives of the poor. CGAP shared a selection of the 2013 winners with us here, but you can submit your own photos on the contest website.
In Vietnam, a woman transports potatoes to sell at a local market. This is the Grand Prize winner.

In Bangladesh, selling papers is a common form of self-employment. Because there is so much competition, the sellers must come up with unique ways to market their wares. This is the second place winner.

This photo of men at a rice wholesaling market in Mali won third place.

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