Hav you ever bought an item of clothing that you just can't figure out how to wear?
This neat lifehack from alpha m. style expert Aaron Marino (via Real Men Real Style) should give you a clue.
Simply type in a description of the item in a Google image search, and hundreds of photos showing various styles of the item from fashion blogs and retailers will immediately pop up.
Be specific in your description, Marino says, and include "men" or "women" to further narrow down your results.
We tried the hack with the search "men red chinos" and got tons of ideas about how to wear the trendy pants.This method can also be used to see how to pair various items.
Women who fancy flowy pants but aren't sure how to make them look professional can search "flowy pants shoes women" and get inspired by dozens of professionally styled fashion photos.
See Marino's full explainer on the hack:
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