China was one of the first countries in the world to label "Internet addiction" as a clinical disorder posing a major threat to its teenagers.
According to Reuters, the Chinese government has taken an aggressive approach to the problem, building as many as 250 boot camps to eradicate internet addiction.
Parents can elect to send their children to these camps, where they undergo psychological examinations and military-style physical training to cure their addiction. Many of the teens sent to these Chinese boot camps spend the majority of their waking hours on the Internet, whether it be on networking sites or online games.
China was one of the first countries to label "internet addiction" as a clinical disorder deserving psychological treatment. Here, a man plays a game at a Beijing Internet cafe.

Scientists at Beijing's Daxing Internet Addiction Treatment Center scan an Internet addict's brain for research purposes. Some psychologists say that the competitive pressures of life in a 1.3 billion-person country could be a reason many Chinese teens retreat to the Internet.

A female instructor and a former soldier escort a young girl to Qide Education Center, an Internet addiction treatment facility in Beijing. There are as many as 250 secretive military-style camps like Qide in China.

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