Norwegian photographer Ida Skiveness makes some of the most playful, creative food porn you'll ever see.
With more than 226,000 followers, her Instagram profile (@idafrosk) is the most popular food-focused account on the photo-sharing site. Her artfully arranged food has led to TV appearances, ad campaigns, and even a book, "Eat Your Art Out," that will be available in seven languages by the end of the year.
Yet Ida says that she never expected to be so successful on Instagram.
"In 2012, more or less on accident, I saw some other food art, and it inspired me to make a connection between these two things," she said to Business Insider. "It kind of spiraled from there."
Now based in Berlin, Ida has officially taken leave from her job at Norway's official bureau of statistics to focus on her photography full-time.
We recently spoke with Ida to hear more about her journey to social media fame.
Ida had an interest in photography and design from a young age. In 2011 she became a vegetarian, which gave her a new awareness of the food she was eating. She documented her meals on her Instagram account, @idafrosk.

Her photography had a quirky perspective from the beginning. The caption on this photo reads: "The Battle of the Vicious Hole Puncher and the Liquorice Animals (Or: Office Boredom Takes Over)." She was working in Norway's official bureau of statistics at the time.

The first artistic creation she made was a strawberry fox and a banana bear on toast. They're pretty adorable, but Ida says she was pleasantly surprised by the positive response she got. "I got a lot of good feedback, and it motivated me to see if I could come up with other ideas," she said to Business Insider.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider