One of the scariest parts of Halloween is the ability for the costume industry to turn even the most chaste and unobjectionable character or inanimate object into a "sexy" one.
It seems just about anything can get sexy thrown in front of it on Halloween, from a lamp to George Washington to, that's right, a body bag.
Adults, in the United States, will spend an estimated $8 billion on Halloween this year, mostly on themselves rather than their kids. But just because they're spending on average of $80 on costumes — up from $72 last year — that doesn't mean their spending it on more material.
Mommy's Scooby Doo costume might have significantly less fur than her kid's. Ruh roh.
SEXY BODY BAG: This "Jane Doe DOA Body bag" costume makes us worry about what was on the costume rejection list.

SEXY GEORGE WASHINGTON: What would Martha have to say about this?

SEXY OSCAR THE GROUCH: calls this a trash monster. We call it a trashy monster.

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