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What Your Travel Style Says About Your Financial Personality


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As summer heats up, your idea of the perfect getaway is probably pretty straightforward: anywhere that’s not your desk.

But once you look past the need to just turn off your phone and stop answering emails … try closing your eyes and imagining the magical word “vacation.” What image pops into your head?

Whether it's filled with palm trees or winding, cobblestone streets in Europe, travel styles say a lot about a person’s personality and priorities. In fact, we might even go so far as to say that your idea of the perfect vacation reveals a little something about the way you manage your money.

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Your Ideal Vacation: Relaxing on an Exotic Beach

Your Money Type: The Savvy Saver

The most exhausting aspect of your vacation is getting to that remote island. Once you arrive, the most taxing activity on your to-do list will be, "Apply more sunscreen." And, when it comes to saving money, you're also likely to be the slow and steady type.

That's the good thing: putting in the initial effort—then laying low while your money grows—is something financial experts recommend all the time. For example, setting up automatic deposits from your checking account to your savings or retirement accounts is the best way to make sure you actually get your goals—one of which just may be vacation, or retirement, on that exotic isle.

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Your Ideal Vacation: A Whirlwind Trip to Europe

Your Money Type: The Smart Spender

If your perfect trip includes a jam-packed itinerary with six European cities and 42 museums, then odds are you also own a few dog-eared guidebooks you've read cover to cover. And it's also no surprise that you'd be an information hound when it comes to your money.

Why is being this type helpful? Your very un-laissez-faire approach to your finances means you're more likely to be on top of your saving and spending. (See why LearnVest C.E.O. Alexa von Tobel takes a Money Minute every morning.) Doing hardcore research into important financial decisions will definitely benefit your bottom line, especially if you take the time to keep a close eye on your credit score, shop for the right credit card or land the best mortgage lender.

In fact, if you make sure to max out your reward points, like the guy in the story below, you just might be able to take a seventh country on to your itinerary!

RELATED: How I Pay for My Life With Credit Card Points

Your Ideal Vacation: Backpacking Around the World

Your Money Type: The Balanced Budgeter

If the idea of backpacking excites you, you’re probably happy with just a roof over your head and someplace safe to store your passport.

The ability to live with only a few essentials on your back says that you have the valuable ability to distinguish between what’s a necessity--and what’s simply a fun extra. Drawing this line means you'll always know which expenses come first, and which can wait until you have some extra cash to spare. Keeping that line in mind, make sure your budget aligns with your values with LearnVest’s 50/20/30 rule.

By making sure your “must-haves” fall under 50% of your net income, you’ll be able to achieve your financial goals more quickly … like buying flights to South America for your next backpacking excursion.

RELATED: I Sold Everything to Travel for 5 Years

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