Sometimes 64,389 square feet just doesn't cut it. We've all been there.
For billionaire Ira Rennert, it was time to add a pilates studio, spa bath, sauna, steam shower, and three extra bathrooms to one of the two pool houses on his Hamptons estate, Newsday reports.
But in a bit of poetic justice, Rennert — who amassed his $6.5 billion net worth from junk bonds — needs zoning approval from the Village of Sagaponack.
The single bathroom at the pool "greatly under-serves a family social gathering," the application states. The closest bathroom in the main house "is over a 200-foot, several-minute, indirect walking distance away."
The 633-square-foot addition to the existing 386-square-foot pool house "would complete the offerings of a modern, fully equipped family swimming facility," the application says.
[Rennert's lawyer] Flanagan, in an interview, said, "Quite frankly, to walk several hundred feet to go to the bathroom is inappropriate."
One of Rennert's neighbors summed the whole thing up pretty well: "Enough already."
Read the full report at Newsday>
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