From fresh, crunchy locusts to eggs hard-boiled in urine, cultural ideas about what constitutes a delicacy vary drastically by region.
But the world is getting smaller, and ideas about what's acceptable to eat are changing. The U.N. recently told people to suck it up and learn to eat bugs, which are filled with protein and fiber.
And in the wake of the January's horse meat scandal in the U.K., many people wondered aloud: Why don't we eat horses when we eat cows and other similar mammals?
We found 18 amazing pictures of some of the most extreme cuisines from around the world, and it turns out that people living in Western nations are pretty picky when it comes to what they will and won't put on their plates.
Be warned: Some photos are not for the faint of heart (or stomach).
A woman drops a skinned frog into a blender in Peru. Some Peruvians believe that frog juice or "extracto de rana" can be a powerful aphrodisiac.

Source: Reuters
A butcher in Bolivia slices into a boiled sheep's head. Sheep's head soup is a popular dish in Bolivia.

Source: Reuters
A worker cuts up a roasted cat in the back room of a restaurant in the Ivory Coast. Cat meat is a traditional food in much of Africa and Asia.

Source: Reuters
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