Need a hookup buddy?
There's an app for that.
Want to thumb up or down pictures of women's cleavage?
There's an app for that too.
Yes, people have created every offensive and controversial thing you could fathom.
Lulu is a girls-only app that lets women anonymously rate and objectify men.

Who created it: Alexandra Chong
Where you can find it:
More about it: On Lulu, men aren't allowed in, and women can anonymously rate them without their consent. The men, who are all guys the women know via Facebook, are rated on a scale of one to ten. Their profiles are automatically pulled in when the women they know access Lulu. Hashtags women are encouraged to use to describe men include #Big Feet and #One Woman Man for pros, and #Obsessed With His Mom and #Napoleon Complex for cons. It is a venture-backed startup that has raised multiple millions from investors.
Bang With Friends helps you turn friends into hook-up buddies.

Who created it: Colin Hodge and Omri Mor
Where you can find it:
More about it: Bang with Friends (BWF) is a Facebook app that does exactly what you're thinking it does. It helps people on Facebook find friends to hook up with rather than date. It pulls in profile pictures on a single page and you can click on the friends you'd like to "bang." If that friend wants to have sex with you too, your intentions are made clear and you can message each other. It's gained so much traction that a few investors have decided to give it some funding.
Tinder lets you scroll through Facebook profile pictures and judge people's looks.

Who created it: Sean Rad, Justin Mateen, Jonathan Badeen, Christopher Gulczynski
Where you can find it:
More about it: Here's how Tinder works: Tinder shows you someone nearby it thinks you should know, who's single and about your age. You can anonymously like this person or skip to the next suggestion. If someone you like happens to like you back, then Tinder makes an introduction& lets you chat within the app. It may be controversial to judge people's looks, but the app has already produced more than 50 engagements and 75 million matches.
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