Social media campaigns always try to hijack newsworthy events to make a brand seem relevant and edgy, which is why NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden is the new subject of a series of German lingerie ads.
Blush lingerie released a series of ads that touts Snowden ("There's still a lot to uncover," it reads) and chastises the government ("Dear NSA, intimates — don't spy them, buy them!")
Blush's website goes further with its Snowden support:
Even offering him a new asylum:
Blush isn't the first brand to jump on the NSA bandwagon. Denny's poked fun at the scandal on Twitter shortly after it broke:
And Las Vegas' tourism board launched a Twitter campaign and bought a full page ad in USA Today reminding the world that while the NSA is breaching privacy, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Here's the rest of Blush's campaign:
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