You have the power to make yourself happier.
That's what we learned from 13 scientific studies that discovered small changes we can all make to improve our outlook on life.
From writing down the good parts of your day to simply smiling, here are a few proactive steps you can take towards becoming a happier you.
Spend money on other people.

Spending money on other people instead of yourself makes you feel happier, a study published in "Psychological Bulletin" found.
The study concluded that "the happiest people were the biggest givers, no matter what they earned." They always felt better donating to charities and giving to others than splurging on themselves.
Count your blessings.

University of Pennsylvania professor Martin Seligman (as well as multiple other independent studies) proved that people who wrote down three good things that happened to them every night were significantly happier than the control group.
They don't even have to be important: Your crush smiling at you or your spouse remembering to buy your favorite dessert count, too.
Try something new.

People who go on adventures, try new experiences, and switch up their routines are generally happier, research has shown.
Trying new things also keeps motor function sharp and stimulates brain waves.
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