Calculating the calories in food is not a perfect science. But we took a stab at it.
We put two foods in a head-to-head competition to see if you can spot the meal or snack that is higher in calories.
The results will surprise you.
Since we only looked at calories and not other nutrition factors like fat, fiber, protein, sugar, and vitamins, the lower-calorie food may not necessarily be the healthier option overall. Still, this quiz is particularly eye-opening if you're of the camp that believes "calories in versus calories out" is the most important part of any diet plan.
A muffin or a cupcake?

Answer: A muffin
Medium-sized muffin: > 300 calories
Cupcake: around 200 calories
Think of your morning muffin as cake without a fancy layer of frosting. A medium-sized blueberry muffin — the kind that often looks so tempting in the display case at coffee chains like Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks— will typically cost you more than 300 calories.
Muffins are soft, sweet, and tasty for a reason — the fluffy breads are loaded with sugar and oils, meaning they are also high in saturated fat. Although a standard frosted vanilla cupcake is also high in saturated fat and sugar, the individually-sized cakes will generally only run you around 200 calories.
Steak or soybeans?

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