Havana, Cuba, still seems like a complete and utter mystery to most people—especially Americans.
With so much history and culture, the alluring draw of this off-limits city is bringing more and more hesitant tourists to wonder about it, especially after celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay-Z have been deciding to make it their new vacation spot.
But the fact of the matter is that Havana, while it continues to mystify, is a beautiful hub full of welcoming people.
Before World War II, Havana was seen as "the rich man's playground," the biggest sugar producer, and an escape from prohibition.

Source: Havana Before Castro
When Castro and Guevarra marched into Cuba in 1959, the communist revolution turned the country upside down. Here a man reads 'Granma,' the official newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party, where the year reads "año de la revolución 53" (fifty-third year of the revolution).

Source: "A Day in the Life of Havana"
Habana Vieja, or Old Havana, is the oldest part of the city, and today is central to tourists. Unlike other areas of the city, the buildings are restored and the streets cleaned.

Source: "A Day in the Life of Havana"
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