Mobile, Alabama, got pretty miffed several months back when I included it on a list of "miserable" cities, based on health and wellness statistics from Gallup.
So when a local mayoral candidate invited me down to prove me wrong, I booked a flight. I'd never been to Mobile before, and figured it would be a good chance to learn about a new city beyond a set of numbers.
I won't say that I got an unbiased view: During my three days in Mobile, I was wined, dined, and shown the best side of the city. There are blighted neighborhoods, crime (though violent crime numbers are down in 2013), and room to improve citizen health.
But I found that Mobile is actually a pretty cool town. It's got a long history, great seafood, and people who made me, a New Jersey native, understand the meaning of "Southern Hospitality."
Keep checking back here to read more about my trip over the next few weeks.
Disclosure: A couple of months ago, I included Mobile, Alabama on a list of the "most miserable cities in America," based on Gallup data. Sandy Stimpson, a mayoral candidate in Mobile (#3 on the list) objected to my characterization, and offered to fly me down and show me how great the city really is. After a little prodding, I agreed to a visit. Stimpson is paying my travel expenses and arranging my travel in the city. I'm not planning to cover the mayoral race, but will be writing about my trip here.
Mobile was settled by the French in 1702. It has flown under six flags: French, Spanish, British, Republic of Alabama, Confederacy, and United States.

The city has 8 nationally recognized historic districts, and dozens of landmarked homes and buildings. This Italianate-style house in the De Tonti Square Historic District is now a museum.

Mobile is home to the ninth largest port in the U.S. It opens into Mobile Bay, and is just 32 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider