Every guy deserves a dedicated space at home to be himself, relax alone by practicing his chords, entertain his buddies with billiards or TV, or pursuing some other passion.
With my husband's help I have put together a list of great examples and 8 top essentials. Take a look and tell me what you think. Did I miss anything?
Click to see 8 things any good man cave should have >
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Essential 1: A sense of fantasy. So you don't have to go all out and recreate the bat cave, but infusing your man cave with a sense of fantasy and sharing your passion for the sports legends or comic book heroes that excite you is a nice way to bond with your bros.

Essential 2: The home theater experience. Viewing a big screen television surrounded by wood paneling from the comfort of a leather recliner — with a cup holder — is the ultimate version.

Essential 3: A small, concise, and well executed wet bar.

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