Bike Sharing is not all bikini-wearing girls and hot, muscled guys pedaling along as Miami would have us believe, but it is a very attractive, eco-friendly addition to the urban infrastructure, and cities across North America are either already installing solar-powered bike rental kiosks or studying those that have.
Paris' popular Velib and London's BarclayBike are the best known programs, but would you have guessed that Minneapolis is challenging New York's claim to the largest system in the US, and that Mexico City is on track to have 6,000 bikes scattered around their neighborhoods? It's not just Europe having all the two-wheeled fun. Check out our guide to North America's cities that bike share:
Boston: Summer 2011 was the debut for Boston's New Balance Hubway system, a network of nearly 100 stations and 1,000 bikes all over the greater metropolitan area including spots like Brookline and Cambridge. Memberships run $85 per year, but daily use starts at only $6 and a 3-day pass is $12. [Hubway]
Boulder, CO: One of B-Cycle's 15 US cities is Boulder, and an ideal one too. Annual memberships are $65, but if you're a student or active military that goes down to only $40. 24-hour rates are $7, or free for the first hour and $4.50 for each half-hour beyond that. [B-Cycle]
Charlotte, NC: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. Annual memberships are $65, but non-member 24-hour rentals can be scored from $8. [B-Cycle]
Denver: Denver was the first with a B-Cycle network, inaugurating the service on Earth Day 2010. Options for riding include a $80 annual pass, $30 monthly, $20 weekly or a $8+ daily choice. [B-Cycle]
Des Moines, IA: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. Annual memberships are $50, but they're running a special where it's only $40 if you purchase (using discount code CatchDM) before June 30. Non-member 24-hour rentals can be scored from $6 and up. [B-Cycle]
Fort Lauderdale/Broward County, FL: One of B-Cycle's 15 US cities is the entire county of Broward, in Florida. They've seen the success of Miami's DecoBike and joined in the bike sharing fun with Annual memberships are $45, and there's no day rates. Instead, non-members pay $5 for the first half hour and $5 for each half-hour after, to a daily max of $50. [B-Cycle]
Fort Worth, TX: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities, and the newest having only debuted on Earth Day 2013. Annual memberships are $80 ($65 for students), but non-member 24-hour rentals can be scored from $8. [B-Cycle]
Grand Canyon: Bright Angel Bicycles live in the south rim area and can be found at the Canyon Visitor Information Plaza. Use of one costs $40 per day or $12 per hour. [Bright Angel Bikes]
Greenville, SC: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. They're new to the bike sharing scene, and offering Annual memberships are $65 (use discount code "houpedal" for $10 off), but non-member 24-hour rentals can be scored from $5. [B-Cycle]
Houston, TX: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. Annual memberships are $60 but non-member 24-hour rentals can be had from only $5. [B-Cycle]
Irvine, CA: ZotWheels might be a weird name, but the students at the University of California-Irvine aren't complaining. Their bike sharing system has installed four stations of 25 bikes around campus. A small start, but a start nonetheless. $40 for an annual membership, but each ride cannot be longer than three hours. [ZotWheels]
Kailua, HI: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities and perhaps the smallest, with only one bike station. Annual memberships are $50 but non-member 24-hour rentals can be scored from $5. The station is bilingual, with Japanese instructions. [B-Cycle]
Kansas City, KS: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. Annual memberships are $65 but non-member 24-hour rentals can be had from $7. [B-Cycle]
Madison, WI: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. Annual memberships are $65 but members of the University of Wisconsin community score it for only $20. Non-member 24-hour rentals begin at $5. [B-Cycle]
Mexico City: For Ecobici, Mexico City actually repealed their law requiring cyclists to wear helmets. Not that that's a good idea, but it's an ambitious program that needed a boost. Over 1,100 bikes at 82 stations around the city have bikes available for a $23 annual subscription with a free first half-hour, an 80-cent next half-hour and $2.70 per hour after that. They plan to have 6,000 EcoBici bikes total. [Ecobici]
Miami Beach, FL: Yay, DecoBike! We're huge fans, especially when it comes to gallery-hopping during Art Basel. You'll also find DecoBikes in Surfside, FL and on Bay Harbor Island, FL. One month of unlimited bike use begins at $15, or you can go for the per half-hour plan, from $4. Good news: DecoBike will soon open stations in San Diego! [DecoBike]
Minneapolis: Nice Ride, by the makers of Montreal's Bixi system, has over 80 locations. They're all over downtown and at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities' campus. The first 30 minutes are free but you can get 24 hours for $6 plus "trip fees" or an annual subscription for $65. [Nice Ride]
Montreal: The Bixi—a combo of "bike" and "taxi—is a model program, with over 3,000 bikes available at over 300 hubs around the city. An annual, unlimited biking membership is $82.50, or you can choose the $7 daily rate, which includes the first half-hour. [Bixi]
Nashville, TN: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. Annual memberships are $50 but non-member 24-hour rentals can be scored for $5 plus $1.50 per half-hour after the first hour. [B-Cycle]
New York City: This week is the first official week for CitiBike, but last week's first day (for advance memberships) logged seriously impressive numbers: total trips: 6,050; average duration: 20.48 minutes; miles traveled: 13,768. That was one day, folks. As the blue bikes become ubiquitous around the city's busier parts, expect more and more tourists to add it to their Big Apple to-do list. Annual membership as $95 and include unlimited 45-minute trips. 24 hours is $9.95 with a free half-hour and charges for every half hour beyond that. [CitiBike]
Omaha, NE: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities, but with only four bike stations. Annual memberships are $55 but non-member 24-hour rentals can be scored for only $6 plus trip fees. [B-Cycle]
Pullman, Washington: Montreal's successful Bixi system was adopted here on a small scale, for use by the students at Washington State University. Well, the public can use it too, if any of the 30 bikes are available. See Montreal's Bixi pricing. [Bixi]
San Antonio, TX: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities. Annual memberships are $60 but non-member 24-hour rentals can be had for $10 plus trip fees. [B-Cycle]
Salt Lake City, UT: GreenBike SLC is operated by B-Cycle and charges $75 for an annual membership, but non-member can have 24-hour rentals for $5 plus additional fees after the first half-hour. [B-Cycle]
Spartanburg, SC: Another of B-Cycle's 15 US cities, it was the first to launch in the Southeast (in summer 2011). Annual memberships are $30 but non-member 24-hour rentals can be had for $5 plus $1 per hour after the first free hour. [B-Cycle]
Toronto: In May 2011, Toronto copied Montreal and order up a Bixi system of their very own. Membership is $95 for the whole year if you're local or, if you’re just in town for a visit, they’ve got you covered with 24-hour passes for $5 and 72-hour passes for $12. [Bixi Toronto]
Washington DC: Smartbike is the name of the DC area's sharing system, and it comes from Clear Channel and the city's Department of Transportation. Over 1,100 bikes at 100+ locations in both downtown DC and Arlington, VA are up for rides. An annual subscription for unlimited rides is $40. [Smartbike]
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