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8 Ways To Eat Organic Food On A Budget


Whole Foods

You know organic is better—better for your body, better for the environment and better for any animals that may have been involved.

But that doesn’t mean that organic is better for your bank account.

In fact, organic foods are on average about one-third more expensive than conventionally produced foods.

Fret not, says Linda Watson, author of Wildly Affordable Organic: Eat Fabulous Food, Get Healthy, and Save the Planet—All on $5 a Day or Less ($11.67 at Books-A-Million), which was heralded by foodie giant Mark Bittman and Whole Foods Market co-CEO John Mackey.

“People worry that they can’t afford to feed their families safe, nutritious food,” Watson says. “But with some planning, budgeting and a little understanding, you can eat very well on little money.” (Get 20 percent off gift books and cookbooks when you shop at Books-A-Million.)

Watson suggests these guidelines for maximizing your organic food budget:

1. If you can peel it, it doesn’t have to be organic. Citrus, mangoes, onions and kiwi all have rinds and peels that go in the trash—along with the majority of any pesticides that they may have collected.

“If you can remember any one thing, remember this rule,” Watson says. (Get fresh fruits and veggies delivered to your door courtesy of FreshDirect, and take 15% off.)

2. Make organic a priority when shopping for butternut, winter and acorn squash. “Those vegetables are planted by farmers remediating their soil that has been doused with chemicals, and those hard squash suck up the toxins,” Watson says.

3. Invest in buying the organic version of any animal products you consume, especially milk for children.

“Kids drink so much milk, and conventionally raised animals are injected with growth hormones and antibiotics,” Watson says. “It has been proven that those chemicals lead to early puberty, compromised immune systems and other issues.” If organic is not an option, look for “hormone-free” labels.

4. Skip paying the organic premium for foods you eat in tiny quantities, such as spices.

5. Don’t assume that organic is always more expensive. Look at the price per pound.

“People are often surprised to find that garlic and onions are exactly the same price for conventional and organically grown,” Watson says. (Suburban Organics lets you enjoy fresh organic produce delivered to your doorstep. Get $10 off your first delivery.)

6. Shop your local farmers’ market, because seasonal foods are always cheaper. Even organic eggs are more affordable in the spring—the natural time for hens to lay eggs.

7. You may feel overwhelmed by the many labels attached to eggs at your supermarket. Watson places them in the following order, from most nutritionally desirable to least:
—Pastured or free-range
—Conventionally grown

8. When shopping for prepared foods, aim for items with the fewest and simplest ingredients.

Many prepared foods, including crackers, cookies, frozen meals and even bread, are often full of mysterious ingredients, even if they are marked “organic,” Watson warns. “Read the label,” she says. “You want the food that has the fewest number of simple ingredients. Organic does not automatically mean ‘healthy.’”

It is preferable, she says, to bake a cake using simple, everyday conventional ingredients than it is to eat a store-bought cake labeled as “organic” and sporting a mile-long ingredient list of items you cannot pronounce.

(Get $10 off your first box order at Full Circle, a farm-share style home delivery food service)

9. Consider broader changes to your eating habits. Even organic dried beans like kidney, pinto and garbanzo cost just 17 cents per serving, while chicken and red meat cost many times that.

Plus, many people opt to eat legumes over meat since meat has far more fat and calories, and, in the case of traditionally produced meat, more chemicals and hormones than organic varieties. Watson points out that the average American throws away one-third of the food they buy.

“If you plan ahead and don’t throw away as much food, you can afford to buy more organic,” she says.

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