NerdWallet, a consumer advocacy website, analyzed the fifty largest U.S. metropolitan areas to find out which ones were the healthiest.
To come up with the list, NerdWallet looked at overall fitness, air cleanliness, health insurance coverage and access to physicians (You can read the full methodology here).
All of the cities that made the top 15 ranked highly across all categories, and most also had citywide public programs in effect to help their residents stay fit.
Boston took home the top spot this year. But cities in Colorado, Minnesota, and California also made it into the rankings.
#15 — Buffalo, NY
Overall Health Score: 59.4
Buffalo has one of the highest rates of health insurance coverage in the country at 92.4% of residents insured.
Its Green and Healthy Homes Initiative is also reducing lead poisoning and mold exposure for residents by repairing old homes.
NerdWallet looked at data from the American Fitness Index, the American Lung Association’s 2013 State of the Air report, and census data on health insurance coverage and the number of physicians per 100,000 residents. The 50 largest metro areas in the U.S. were included in the analysis.
#14 — Salt Lake City, UT
Overall Health Score: 59.7
The people of Salt Lake City have ample access to ski resorts, hiking trails, and fishing spots in their beloved hometown.
Residents tend to be insured and in shape, plus the clean air makes being outdoors all the more enjoyable.
NerdWallet looked at data from the American Fitness Index, the American Lung Association’s 2013 State of the Air report, and census data on health insurance coverage and the number of physicians per 100,000 residents. The 50 largest metro areas in the U.S. were included in the analysis.
#13 — Virginia Beach, VA
Overall Health Score: 61.5
The population of Virginia Beach benefits from clean air and ample health care.
There are also organizations like the Virginia Business Coalition on Health that encourages businesses to prioritize the health of their workers.
NerdWallet looked at data from the American Fitness Index, the American Lung Association’s 2013 State of the Air report, and census data on health insurance coverage and the number of physicians per 100,000 residents. The 50 largest metro areas in the U.S. were included in the analysis.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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