We recently brought you a set of images showing what Barbie and other dolls would look like without the makeup that Mattel paints on their faces.
Illustrator Nikolay Lamm has now taken his investigation of Barbie's unlikely physical appearance a step further.
He extrapolated Barbie's body size, if she were human, and compared it side-by-side with the average body proportions of a 19-year-old American.
"I feel that this is as close as you can get to a real life representation of a Barbie-proportioned woman standing next to an average sized woman," he tells us.
The average 19-year-old woman was modeled using these measurements, as described by the CDC:
- 64.29″ height
- 33.62″ waist
- 140.09″ upper arm length
- 14.45″ upper leg length
- 20″ head circumference
- 15″ neck circumference
Barbie, at 1/6 scale, would have the following measurements, Lamm believes:
- 69″ height
- 36″ bust
- 18″ waist
- 33″ hips
- 22″ head circumference
- 9″ neck circumference
As Lamm maps Barbie next to an average person, the differences become obvious quickly.

Barbie is huge! She is 5 inches taller than the average young woman.

Barbie isn't just a thin woman — her waist is almost half the size of an average woman's, just 18 inches.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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