Chances are, if you're rifling through the kitchen cabinets of one Tanya Zuckerbrot's clients, you'll find a nice stash of high-fiber crackers, powdered peanut butter, almonds, beans, and oatmeal.
All of these foods have one thing in common: They're rich in dietary fiber, the part of carbohydrates that can't be digested, and therefore, has no calories.
The miracle of fiber, New York dietitian Zuckerbrot claims, is that it fills you up and keeps your energy pumping, without adding extra pounds. It's also the cornerstone of Zuckerbrot's F-Factor Diet, which came out of working with patients to lower cholesterol.
Zuckerbrot has built F-Factor into a mini-empire, including her own line of high-fiber foods, two diet books, and private consulting services.
To get a one-on-one with the queen of fiber, be prepared to shell out $10,000 for 10 sessions, which includes a full clinical and lifestyle assessment and a complete re-education of what you should be eating to shed weight or get healthier.
We stopped by Zuckerbrot's mid-town Manhattan office to learn more about her revolutionary diet plan.
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