It takes a special sort of person to be a flight attendant. In the early days of airplane travel, flight attendants were a cross between nurses and bellboys, then the jet era called for them to be glamorous representatives of the airline.
Today, flight attendants are recognized as service professionals who often undertake a full career in the skies.
Thailand's budget airline Nok Air is still seemingly stuck in that early jet age mindset, however, as they've just launched a recruitment drive via Facebook, with requirements that read more like Barbie's resume than a job posting.
Some of the strict requirements:
Females, "age not over 25 (at the time of application)"
No shorter than 160 cm (about 5'2")
Weight proportionate to height
"Excellent communication skills" in English and Thai (and a TOEIC score to prove it). A third language would be an advantage, preferably Mandarin Chinese
Minimum education is a Bachelor's degree
You must supply photos of yourself in both formal and casual dress
Note that all of this comes mere weeks after their nearly nude calendar scandal.
Having flown on Nok, we can vouch for the fact that the airline is receiving exactly those whom they seek. Our Nok attendants were young, slim, sociable, and ready with both a snack and a smile. Are they having fun? Flying to the paradise of Phuket sure seems like fun. Will they be doing this forever? Definitely not. When an airline recruits in this way, they've already got an expiration date in mind for the crop of new recruits.
SEE ALSO: To Make It As A Flight Attendant In China, You Have To Be Beautiful
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