The Wind River Indian Reservation is not an easy place to get to.
Thirty-five-hundred square miles of prairie and mountains in western Wyoming, the reservation is home to bitter ancestral enemies: the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes.
Even among reservations, it's renowned for brutal crime, widespread drug use, and legal dumping of toxic waste.
Wind River received some media attention last year for these latter qualities.
Recently, I was invited to the reservation by a school teacher who wanted to show me what life was really like there.
The following pictures show Wind River, its people, and the surrounding American towns.
The Wind River reservation is located in central Wyoming. The landscape is unlike anything most people have ever seen.

This craggy honeycombed grotto was unearthly enough to prompt Starship Troopers' director Paul Verhoeven to shoot the 1997 sci-fi flick here.

This railroad has been hauling goods and people through here since 1885.

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