Last month we published some pictures tweeted by Chris Hadfield, who is living aboard the International Space Station, or ISS, as a Flight Engineer on Expedition 34.
In March, he will become the first Canadian Commander of the ISS during Expedition 35.
Hadfield will be in orbit about 250 miles over Earth's surface for the next six months and has been tweeting about his journey on Twitter @Cmdr_Hadfield.
Here are a few fantastic images of world cities taken in the past couple of days:
"It's hard to believe the colours of the Bahamas from space."
"Kiev, Ukraine - an historic major crossing place of water, rail and road."
"Volcanoes look dramatic at dawn. They startled me when I spotted them through the lens."
"Italian coast - like a diamond set in a ring."
"Tonight's Finale: I'm not quite sure! Ireland, Wales or England, through a gap in the cloud. Where is this port town?"
"Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, and the town where I was born, Sarnia Ontario."
"El Ejido, Spain - you can easily tell where the people live, even from orbit."
"Japanese rice fields tidily blanketed with snow."
Bonus: "Noctilucent Cloud - rare super high altitude cloud, barely visible from Earth, seen at dawn in the mesosphere from ISS."
To see more of Hadfield vacuuming the space station, cheering on the Toronto Maple Leafs, or taking questions from Canadien students over radio, be sure to follow along.
SEE ALSO: Take An Awe-Inspiring Ride On Board The International Space Station
SEE ALSO: Beautiful Images Of Earth From Satellites
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