Two former "perfumistas" at Bond No. 9 perfume shop filed a lawsuit claiming head perfume mogul Laurice Rahme fired them after they complained about her policy requiring them to follow African-American customers around the store.
In their lawsuit, Veronica Robledo and Karin Widmann claim Rahme said she needed "the light bulbs changed" when she really wanted them to follow an undesirable customer, the New York Daily News reported Tuesday.
Robledo also claims Rahme wouldn't let her serve white customers and she felt she had to tell her dark-skinned Jamaican boyfriend "to hide when he came to pick me up so (Rahme) wouldn’t see him," according to the Daily News.
The women claim Rahme fired them and accused them of stealing $25,000 worth of merchandise when they complained about her racist policies.
However, Rahme said told the Daily News she loves black customers and claims her light bulb code was used to protect employees. She says her policies aren't directed toward black customers, but every time her store has been robbed, "they were African-American robbers."
Robledo and Widmann are seeking $3 million in damages. Robledo is Puerto Rican, according to the Daily News. Widmann's ethnicity was not disclosed.
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